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EDI Publications
Page Updated: 15th July 2022
There are a range of publications available that will provide you with more information on the University's committment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. On this page, you can find out more information about these publications, including the EDI Strategy and Action Plan, EDI Annual Report and EDI Survey 2021 Report.
EDI Annual Reports
UCD publish an EDI Annual Report each year. The report sets out the main activities, initiatives and achievements in the EDI space over the previous Academic Year. For a copy of the current report and previous reports, please visit the EDI Annual Report webpage.
EDI Strategy and Action Plan: Priorities for 2021 - 2024
The updated EDI Strategy and Action Plan: Priorities for 2021-2024 was published in May 2022. The EDI strategy sets out our commitment and objectives for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and the necessary actions to achieve these objectives. A commitment was made when the University’s first EDI Strategy was developed in 2018 to carry out an interim review to ensure it remained aligned with the new University strategy “Rising to the Future” 2020 - 2024. This review also considered any gaps and priorities identified through focus groups with the University’s EDI group, consultation with UCD employees through an EDI survey and engagement with key stakeholders. Achieving equality, diversity and inclusion is fundamental to the success of the University.
You can read the updated EDI Strategy and Action Plan on our dedicated webpage.
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Survey
To better understand how individuals experience their working environment, to highlight existing good Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) practice and to identify areas where enhancements can be made, an EDI survey was carried out in May 2021. As per UCD’s Gender Equality Action plan (GEAP) 2020 – 2024, UCD has committed to survey our employees every two years. This will enable the University to monitor the impact of its activities and measure progress in the area of EDI through quantitative and qualitative analysis. Reference is made throughout this report to relevant actions in the GEAP and EDI strategy 2020 – 2024 to identify where gaps are currently being addressed or where additional actions have been included as part of the review of the EDI strategy.
You can access the EDI Survey Report 2021, as well as additional Open Text analysis from the report on our EDI Survey Page.