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International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism & Transphobia (#IDAHOBIT) - 17th May 

Page Updated: 17 May 2024

Should people require support, please note the staff wellbeing supports available at UCD https://www.ucd.ie/hr/a-z/mentalhealthsupports/   and LGBTI Supports as well as the National LGBT helpline 1800 929 539.

UCD is committed to ensuring that our University community is LGBTI inclusive. We all have a responsibility to create an inclusive University culture that reflects UCD’s Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy. You can put this commitment into practice by being visible in your support for LGBTI inclusion in UCD. This lets colleagues and students know that they can feel free to be themselves and share their sexual orientation, gender identity or that they are intersex with you. This day raises awareness of discrimination and violence against LGBTI people worldwide.

What Can you Do to Support #IDAHOBIT?

Raising awareness of IDAHOBIT lets your colleagues know that you are against the discrimination and violence of LGBTI people.  UCD has provided Top Ten Tips to encourage UCD employees to visibly and proactively show their support for the inclusion of LGBTI staff and students in the University Community.

After your name in your email signature, include your pronouns [she/her, he/him, they, them]. For example:

The policy and guidelines affirm diverse gender identities and provides resources and guidance for employees to provide trans students and staff should they require your support.

Read more about gender identity and expression (opens new window).

Request UCD’s LGBTI Initiatives and Policies, LGBTI Staff Network, LGBT Student Society are included on your School/Unit’s website.

It is against the law to discriminate directly or indirectly against a person on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity.  

The Employment Equality Acts (2015) outlaw discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation and gender identity.  

Gender Identity Act 2015 provides a process enabling trans people achieve full legal recognition of their preferred gender and allows for the acquisition of a new birth certificate that reflects that change.  

An inclusive culture requires us to not be bystanders.  Respond to anti-LGBTI or biased comments, so-called banter or innuendo when you encounter it.

This might mean providing an alternative and more inclusive viewpoint or querying a negative comment in a conversation and challenging biased opinions or perceptions of LGBTI people. In some instances, it may mean talking to the person  one-to-one rather than in a group.

It could be highlighting UCD’s commitment to LGBTI inclusion in the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy, UCD’s Gender Identity and Expression Policy, UCD's Dignity & Respect Policy or the laws that protect LGBTI people in Ireland. Foster an inclusive culture by having a zero tolerance for anti -LGBTI language and biases. Everyone has a responsibility to foster and maintain a welcoming, affirmative and inclusive culture for all staff.

Supports for Students:

Supports for Employees:

Report and Support Tool:

All members of the University Community have the right to study or work in an environment free from bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct. Students, employees and visitors to UCD can report anonymously through the UCD Report and Support tool and access information about the  supports that are available and learn about the  (opens in a new window)informal and formal options for resolution, including making a formal complaint.

The  UCD Dignity and Respect Service is a dedicated service to support students, employees and the UCD community members involved in issues of bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct. This service provides information and a listening ear. Those wishing to use the service may drop in or make an appointment by emailing  (opens in a new window)respect@ucd.ie  or calling  01 716 7716.

If there is an emergency or you require out of hours assistance please call Unicare on  (opens in a new window)01 716 7999.

UCD is a diverse community of colleagues and students. Don't assume everyone is heterosexual or that their gender identity corresponds with their birth sex.  

Transgender: denoting or relating to a person whose gender identity does not correspond with their birth sex.

Consider using neutral language.  Asking about a partner rather than a wife/husband girlfriend/boyfriend. Catch yourself if you find you are reverting to stereotypes or biases about LGBTI people. Take a moment to enhance your knowledge of inclusive terminology. (opens in a new window)Explore this glossary of terms.

  • Join the LGBTI Staff Network (The network is open to both LGBTI employees and colleagues who are not LGBTI and are often referred to as ‘straight allies’ and want to show their support for LGBTI inclusion.  The network holds a mixture of initiatives, some of which are open to all staff and some which are intended for LGBTI employees.
  • Visibly Celebrate a LGBTI awareness day (E.g. LGBTI History Month (February), IDAHOBIT (May), Pride Month (June), Intersex Awareness Day (October) Transgender Awareness Week (November)
    A list of important dates for cultural and religious festivals can be found on our Diversity Calendar page.
  • Attend University LGBTI Inclusion webinars and events published in UCD’s Ezine

If a colleague or student ‘comes out’/ discloses their sexual orientation, gender identity or sex to you, thank them for sharing this with you. Don’t share this information with anyone else unless you have checked with the person that it is okay with them.

Whether you are a senior leader or an early career colleague, you can lead by example and   positively influence UCD’s culture. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes or ask for support. 

No one person has all the answers or can drive LGBTI inclusion alone. Ask for help, connect with your College/School/Unit Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee and the University EDI Unit for further support.

How to Report Incidents

UCD is committed to the promotion of an environment for work and study which upholds the dignity and respect of the individual and which supports every individual’s right to study and/or work in an environment which is free of any form of harassment, intimidation or bullying. ‌If you need to report a incident occurred in UCD, you have a range of options, both formal and informal, and supports:

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Contact UCD Equality Diversity and Inclusion

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: edi@ucd.ie