This research theme focuses on key debates, institutions, movements, practices and ideas associated with the effort to achieve a more egalitarian society, and a more equal world. Though informed by the innovative theoretical and conceptual work associated with the ‘Equality and Flourishing’ cluster, this research theme focuses directly on the politics of achieving equality in the here-and-now, and on the role of social movements, policy-making and political representation at national and international levels in challenging inequality. As such, this cluster seeks to build links with organisations and actors concerned with the politics of egalitarian change beyond the university, and to offer a research hub and a set or resources that could inform these actions, while also seeking to learn directly from the experiences and insights of these extra-academic organisations. The ambition is to inform policy and practice in the field of equality studies, in an iterative, collaborative and dialogical way.
This cluster is convened by Marie Moran, centre director. Please email if you are a member of a social justice organisation, activist group or NGO, and would like to discuss potential collaborations.
Associated Members:
Mags Crean
Roland Erne
Maebh Harding
Colm McLaughlin
Donna Marshall
Marie-Luce Paris
Krisna Ruette-Orihuela
Eugenia Siapera
Andy Storey
Liam Thornton
Judy Walsh
Cluster Activities:
Featured Projects: