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The ESManage Team

Prof. Michael Bruen

Michael Bruen


Michael is an Associate Professor in the UCD School of Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering. He initially taught on the International Postgraduate Hydrology Programme at UCG and then worked at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania as Coodinator of their International Water Resources Engineering Programme, funded by Ireland's Bilateral Aid Programme. Returned to UCG after 5 years and then moved to UCD. He then became Director of the M.Eng.Sc. (Water Engineering) Programme and later Director of the Centre for Water Resources Research. He has undertaken a number of short term assignments for various International agencies, including UNESCO, WMO, CEFIGRE, IUCN. Currently, Michael is Head of Research and Innovation.

Dr Craig Bullock

Craig Bullock


Craig Bullock is an environmental economist and a research fellow at UCD. He specialises in the economics of the natural environment including environmental values and cost-benefit analysis. As well as ESManage, he is currently working on an EU project (http://www.operas-project.eu/) applying participatory approaches to coastal ecosystem service management. In the past few years, Craig has also worked on projects dealing with environmental liability, climate change adaptation, domestic waste management, peatlands, and forests and woodland benefits. Craig is the Irish representative on the International Panel and Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services and also manages Optimize, a consultancy working on economic and social analysis and impact assessment.

Michael Christie

Michael Christie


Blue Island Consulting Ltd was created by Prof Mike Christie in 2013 to provide consultancy services relating to a wide range of environmental and ecological economics research. Key clients include central government, quangos and other agencies, NGO, businesses and communities. Prof Christie works in collaboration with a range of University, Consultancy and Business Associates to deliver a bespoke solutions to environmental economic challenges.

Dr Hugh Feeley

Hugh B. Feeley


Hugh is currently a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at UCD. His primary interests include invertebrate ecology, ecotoxicology and the ecology of biological systems, especially freshwaters, and their response to global environmental change. Hugh’s PhD studies (2008-2012) were part of the EPA and Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine funded HYDROFOR project (Link to Published Report) where he investigated the role of episodic acidification on the chemistry and ecology of small streams. He then spent 3 years (2012-15) as a Post-doctoral Research Associate on the NERC funded DURESS Project at Cardiff University in the UK investigating the role of biodiversity on ecosystem service provision and sustainability in upland rivers. Hugh’s publications can be found at http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hugh_Feeley/publications.

Profile photo of Thibault Hallouin

Thibault Hallouin


Thibault is currently a Ph.D. student with Prof. Michael Bruen at the UCD Dooge Centre for Water Resources Research (CWRR). His main research interests include natural resource management, environmental modelling and environmental impact assessment. Before joining the UCD CWRR, Thibault worked as a research engineer in France on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) projects. He holds a first class honours in MEng Environmental Management (INSA Rouen, France).

Dr Fiona Kelly

Fiona Kelly


Fiona is a senior research officer with Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI). Her research has a specific focus on fisheries related environmental issues (including water quality, Water Framework Directive (WFD) and pollution). She provides coordination for the WFD fish monitoring programme as well as specialist and support services in relation to all fisheries related environmental issues. She coordinates and manages IFIs GIS service and laboratories and its water quality monitoring programmes. She has managed a variety of research project including the EPA funded Q-values and Fish Project and the NSSHARE Fish in Lakes Project: Development of a classification tool for fish in lakes. Fiona’s scientific expertise and interests include freshwater fisheries management, development of classification tools for fish (in rivers, lakes and estuaries), prediction and modelling of fish populations, field surveys and design of monitoring programmes, hydroacoustics in lakes and large rivers.

Ms Ewa Siwicka

Ewa Siwicka


Ewa is currently a Research Assistant at Blue Island Consultancy specialising in the field of environmental economics and economic valuation of ecosystem services. In past she has worked as Research Assistant in Environmental and Ecological Economics at Aberystwyth University. She has been involved in number of research projects conducted in the UK, Caribbean and Indonesia.

ES Manage

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777