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Key Tasks

Key Tasks

Main tasks of ESManage Project:

  1. Literature review of the state of knowledge of ES in freshwaters (available online (opens in a new window)here)

  2. Provide a synthesis of current knowledge on the Irish freshwater resource in the context of ecosystem services and select key ES for analysis and valuation (completed – currently in press)

  3. Scenario analysis to show how changes in drivers (land-use) affect inputs to rivers and associated physical and chemical water quality stressors.

  4. Analyse existing and new biological data to investigate biological responses to stressors/drivers and links to selected ecosystem services. Combine with Obj. 3 to illustrate change in ecological condition/ES provision.

  5. Estimate the economic impact of future changes to the provision of key aquatic ecosystem services in Irish rivers.

  6. Recommend how the ecosystem services approach can best be embedded into policy and decision-making for sustainable management of water resources.

UCD LogoEPA Research

ES Manage

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777