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Booking and Property Management System - Privacy Notice

Who are we?

This privacy notice is for University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland, in particular for Estate Services. You can contact us at extension 7000 or via email, estates@ucd.ie.

The University fully respects your right to privacy and actively seeks to preserve the privacy rights of those who share information with the University. Any personal information which you volunteer to the University will be treated in accordance with Irish and European Data Protection legislation.

Why and how do we collect and process the information and for how long do we keep it?
UCD Residences Bookings and Property management services are managed through a third party system – Kinetic Solutions. We collect your personal data for the purpose of booking UCD residences accommodation for either academic term or commercial purposes during the Summer on the basis of Contract. This information will also be used to help provide customers with cleaning and maintenance services, as well as to help customers access other UCD residential services.

For commercial guests, full time active and prospective (non-CAO) students we will collect the following types of personal data: name, date of birth, gender,nationality, home address, contact number, email address, and photo (if provided).

For CAO applicants we will collect the following types of personal data : name, date of birth, email address.

How we manage and store your data

For students, personal data will be initially collected from you via your accommodation application form after you have logged into the UCD residences Hub with UCD SSO login. The UCD Student Records system banner will integrate directly to the UCD Residences Booking system (which is the Kinetic Solutions platform).

For guests who make a commercial booking, personal data will be collected from you during the booking process.

Personal data will be held in secure cloud storage and will be accessible only to UCD staff and approved external service providers. The information can only be viewed by authorised users from Estate Services (UCD) after authentication and based on tiered access rights.

Who has access to the information and who do we share it with?

The personal data collected from you will be accessed by Estate Services, IT Services or other UCD units where required in the fulfilment of their function.

We will also share information with third party service providers, in their function as a contracted service to UCD, who will have access to the data for the delivery of room booking & management, maintenance and cleaning services.

Third party service providers who provide the service, Kinetic Solutions, and a third party communication system, namely Mailgun, when emailing residents by Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) will have access to data when delivering their services.

How long we retain your data

All full time active UCD students are eligible to apply for campus accommodation and to facilitate this resident data will be retained for two possible durations.
All full time active students who apply for Residences – Data to be retained for one year after active registration has lapsed. Data will then be pseudo anonymised.
All full time active students who apply and book UCD accommodation (make a payment of some kind) – Data to be retained for seven years after active registration due to financial regulation compliance. Data will then be pseudo anonymised.

For guests who make a commercial booking, data to be re retained for seven years after active registration due to financial regulation compliance. Data will then be pseudo anonymised.

For CAO applicants – Data to be deleted for unsuccessful UCD CAO Applicants (that is applicants who do not receive a CAO offer from UCD) within 12 months.

What are your rights?

The right to access – You have the right to request access to your information/personal data.
The right to rectification – You have the right to request that we correct any information that is inaccurate or complete information that is incomplete.
The right to erasure – You have the right to request that we erase your personal information/data once it is no longer needed, or where UCD is not under a legal obligation to retain the data for longer.
The right to restrict processing – You have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal data.
The right to portability –In some circumstances, you may be entitled to obtain your personal data from a data controller in a format that makes it easier to reuse your information in another context, and to transmit this data to another data controller of your choosing without hindrance

If you wish to exercise any of your rights listed above, you can do so by contacting Estates Services using the contact information listed at the start of this Privacy Notice.

If you have concerns about your rights as a participant, you can contact the UCD DPO by email gdpr@ucd.ie.

If you are not satisfied with UCD’s response or believe we are not processing your personal data in accordance with the law, you can complain to the Irish Data Protection Commission. For more detail see: https://www.dataprotection.ie/

You can access UCD’s Privacy Notices at https://www.ucd.ie/privacy/. This specific privacy notice is to provide you with further information on the Booking and Property Management System used by Estate Services.

Contact Estate Services

UCD Village, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7000 | E: estates@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)