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2024 Commuting Survey Results

July 2024

UCD is committed to the promotion of sustainable transport to, from and within the Belfield and Blackrock campuses. The UCD Travel Plan vision is to create a high-quality campus environment which promotes sustainable, healthy, and active lifestyles, while offering transport and mobility choice for the University community.

The UCD Travel Plan 2016-2021-2026 sets a target of reducing car travel commutes from 25% in 2016 to 19% by 2026 (17% car driver) and outlines a range of measures to increase sustainable travel usage to 81% over the same period. Our progress towards the targets of the Travel Plan are measured annually via the Commuting Survey. The outcomes of the most recent survey show that UCD has met its 2026 Travel Plan targets for the reduction car travel commutes, which now stands at 17.9% (16.9% car driver).

Journey Distances & Commuting Times – All Modes

Mode Splits – Staff, Student & Combined

Commute Distance by Mode – Public Transport & Car Use (Students & Staff)

Arrival & Departure Times (Students & Staff)

Reasons for Mode Choice (Students & Staff)

Difficulty in Finding a Parking Space

Car Pooling

Contact Estate Services

UCD Village, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7000 | E: estates@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)