AV Clinics – Autumn Trimester 24/25
August 2024
As the Autumn Trimester approaches, Estate Services are again planning to host a series of AV Clinics to support staff to refamiliarise themselves with AV equipment in classrooms.
The AV Clinics will be conducted in 30 minute slots during which a staff member can book in for a one on one session in their preferred teaching space with an AV technician from our AV support team. During this time the AV technician will show you how to use the equipment within the room, after which you will be able to try it out for yourself.
The AV Clinics will run from the 26th - 30th August and from the 2nd - 6th September. You can book (opens in a new window)here and choose whether to receive a demonstration of AV equipment in a lecture theatre or classroom. Please ensure that you have the desired room booked, room availability can be checked via Urooms and rooms booked by contacting (opens in a new window)estates@ucd.ie.
If the above dates and times do not suit you, please (opens in a new window)book a Teaching Support Request with us. This will allow you to select a time and date that suits you, these sessions can be booked from Monday to Friday, 8am-4pm.
You can view a general guide for AV equipment (opens in a new window)here as well as lecture capture guides for both (opens in a new window)Lecture Theatres and (opens in a new window)Classrooms on our website.
If you have any queries in advance of the Autumn Trimester, please contact us via email at (opens in a new window)estates@ucd.ie or by calling (01) 716 7300.
Quinn School of Business:
If you are teaching in any of the classrooms in the UCD Quinn School of Business or the UCD Moore Centre for Business, please contact the Quinn School directly via (opens in a new window)quinn.reception@ucd and they will send you information on booking an AV demo.
Blackrock Campus
If any users of the shared teaching spaces on the Blackrock campus would like assistance to familiarise themselves with the AV equipment, Blackrock Campus Services would be happy to facilitate this. You can (opens in a new window)book a Teaching Support Request online, via email at (opens in a new window)services.blackrock@ucd.ie, or alternatively visit our office located in E Block.