Blackrock Campus AV Information
Blackrock Campus Services provide audio-visual (AV) support to shared teaching spaces during the office business hours of Monday to Friday, 08:00-21:30.
A list of shared teaching spaces on the Blackrock campus is as follows:
C201, C301, C302, D101, E101 (ALE), E102, E117 (ALE), E201, N202, N203, N204, N302, N303, N304, Lecture Theatre 1 (LT1), and the Oratory.
A detailed breakdown of the equipment available in each room is listed below along with guidance documentation.
Lecture Capture:
Lecture capture is the process of recording classroom lectures and making them available for students. It consists of the option to record the audio, video, document camera and PC in the classroom. Lecture capture support on the Blackrock campus is a shared endeavour between Blackrock Campus Services and ILTG where Blackrock Campus Services support the lecture capture equipment within the room and ILTG support the media server including scheduling, storing, and sharing of recordings.
The list of rooms equipped with lecture capture functionality are as follows:
E102, E201, LT1, C201, N203, N303.
Support in the use of lecture capture equipment in the room is available from Blackrock Campus Services, see Technical Support below. Lecture capture inquiries regarding scheduling and making the lecture available on Brightspace should be directed to ILTG and requests for scheduling of recordings (opens in a new window)can be made online here.
Technical Support:
Technical support for the shared teaching spaces includes assisting the user with powering up the equipment, demonstrating the use of equipment and troubleshooting any technical issues.
In the event of a technical issue before or during a class, Blackrock Campus Services can be contacted via the telephone handset located in the room. Our team will endeavour to respond within five minutes and resolve the issue. In the event that the issue cannot be immediately resolved a change of room will be offered. An AV technician based on the Belfield campus acts as an escalation point when further technical troubleshooting assistance is required.
Blackrock Campus Services is available for demonstrations in the use of AV equipment within classrooms during office hours. This can be (opens in a new window)booked online or by visiting our Reception Desk in the E Block.
Additional support of a more in depth and technical nature such as room/event set up, advanced demonstrations, etc. may require a meeting with a member of the Estate Services AV team and an AV technician. This service is available between 8:30 and 16:30 Monday – Friday and must be booked 48 hours in advance.