Online Self Service Room Booking System: Conditions of Use
- Due to the extensive demand for rooms in the Shared Room Portfolio across the whole year, the academic timetable will take priority over all other bookings.
- Rooms in the Shared Room Portfolio may be booked by members of UCD faculty and staff for lectures, seminars and meetings which form an integral part of UCD’s normal teaching, research and administrative business, subject to availability and to compliance with the normal rules and conditions of use.
- If Room Allocations receives a request by a member of UCD to book a room for an event which appears might not be in connection with official UCD business, the requestor shall be asked for such information as is reasonably required to establish that the purpose of the booking is to accommodate a legitimate UCD meeting or function. Bookings will not be confirmed until such information has been obtained.
- On-line self-service bookings in the Shared Room Portfolio are facilitated for UCD activities scheduled between 9.00 and 18.00, Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays). Where events are to be scheduled outside normal building operation hours, rooms must be booked via (opens in a new window) or (opens in a new window), as appropriate. A schedule of the normal building operation hours is provided (opens in a new window)here.
- Members of University faculty and staff may request room bookings within the Shared Room Portfolio at any time after the publication of the upcoming Semester’s timetable. For specific periods of time, self-service bookings may only be made for events up to 1 week in advance, otherwise bookings may be made up to one month in advance.
- 150+ Rooms in the Shared Teaching Room Portfolio:
Not all University rooms are available to book through the on-line room booking facility, as some rooms are controlled and allocated locally by Schools/Units. To book rooms that are locally managed, faculty and staff are advised to contact the relevant School/Unit directly.
• Events with more than 35 Non-UCD attendees or which are organised by External Agencies should contact
• Students are advised to contact if they wish to book a room in the Shared Teaching Room Portfolio.
• The eligibility for automating a booking is determined on whether the request meets the pre-defined criteria. Check the configuration of rooms and their planned use
• If your booking is for the NEXT 36 HOURS, please contact Estate Services at extension 7000.
By logging onto URooms, faculty and staff can quickly identify if a particular room is booked at a specific time, or identify other similar alternative rooms which might be available.
Each room is linked to Google Maps to help users of mobile devices navigate to the building. A photograph of the room provides an image of the room layout.
Pedagogical guidelines have been developed by Teaching and Learning to assist Faculty in the design, delivery and support of graduate/undergraduate academic programmes.
URooms also provides an option to display planned use of locally managed rooms, where appropriate.
Selected room booking requests are eligible to be automatically scheduled and immediately confirmed provided they meet the criteria outlined below:
a. Information on size and nature of booking must be provided –meeting/seminar/interview/conference/event/ etc.
b. All room bookings are allocated at one hourly intervals, starting on the hour; The duration of the event booked on-line must not be more than 2 hours. All rooms must be vacated ten minutes prior to the end of the allocated time for the class/meeting. This timing allows for interchange of students and the installation of equipment.
c. Chargeable events cannot be automatically booked and must be directed to
d. It is only possible to view space availability online for the next month. To enquire about availability in subsequent months please contact (opens in a new window)
e. The furniture within each room is set out in a particular way to conform to the University’s teaching requirements. If you move the furniture you should return it to the correct arrangement at the end of your booking as seating arrangements are used to calculate room capacity; Rooms booked at short notice will have furniture arranged as found. Furniture and equipment should not be moved between classrooms;
f. Before the commencement of each class, staff should make an assessment of whether or not a room is overcrowded, in that a count need only be taken if there are students without seats. In the event that a room is visibly overcrowded, additional attendees should be asked to leave. Staff should inform their School Timetable Co-ordinator of overcrowding giving adequate notice so that where possible, alternative arrangements can be made for the following week;
g. No University facilities will be afforded to external agencies or individuals unless a formal application is made in writing and the external party room hire conditions are agreed.
h. AV Support is only available from 09:00 to 17:15 Monday – Friday, outside of these hours, an AV related breakdown will be addressed the following working day. If you have a problem with AV, please ring ext-7300 and if they are unavailable, ring ext-7000.
i. If your event/classroom requirements change or are cancelled, please email (opens in a new window) This will minimise unnecessary over-booking of resources and will ensure other parties have optimum access to University resources.
j. If you find a Shared Teaching Room in an unsatisfactory condition or experience a fault, please notify or by phone on 01-716-1111.
k. If you find a locally controlled room in an unsatisfactory condition or experience a fault, please notify the appropriate School/Unit.
l. No food or drink, alcoholic or otherwise is permitted in the Shared Teaching Room Portfolio
m. The cost of stewarding, cleaning and other supports associated with the use of rooms/buildings for conferences or any event held outside normal operating hours shall be met by the organisers.