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SA-240529: Footpath Diversions Between Engineering and Tierney

What is happening:

As part of the landscaping programme for the Centre for Future Learning an additional work zone is scheduled to be in place from June 5th to August 31st with works commencing from June 5th.

As part of these planned works the path connecting Engineering to Tierney via the rear of Daedalus and cycle parking at the Engineering Building will be closed for the duration.

Diversions will be in place around the work zone and a quantity of temporary cycle parking will be provided at the Engineering Building. Additional nearby cycle parking locations are located at the Gerald Manley Hopkins Building (Restaurant), the Tierney Building, at the side of the Confucius Building and at the other side of the Engineering Building.

Upon completion this phase of works will include upgraded and widened paths, additional cycle parking and landscape features.

An aerial view of the works area is provided below:

When is happening:

5 June 2024

Who will this affect:

Campus Users , Belfield Campus

Contact Estate Services

UCD Village, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7000 | E: estates@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)