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SA-240709: Closure of Bus Stop 877 (Sports Centre)

What is happening:
  • From 11:00 on Thursday 11th July following the last arrival of the 142 bus to this stop the existing Sports Centre Stop (877) will be closed to allow Kilwex to take it into their works area.
  • The stop, layover & roadway will be fully closed to vehicles in this location. Access will be maintained to the pedestrian crossing going through the area.
  • From the afternoon of Thursday 11th 142 bus services will commence and finish at the UCD Village bus stops (7963 & 7964). There will be no changes to timetables, departures & commencement times. RTPI information will be updated on NTA apps as part of their next scheduled update in the coming weeks.
  • This is an extension of the existing 142 route and as it will start and finish at the Village the 142 buses will now also serve the new bus stops at the rear of the Newman Building and the new bus stops delivered as part of the Student Sports & Amenity Precinct.
  • The S4 bus which enters via Newstead, serving stop 877 will also commence use of the new stops at the Sports Centre from Thursday 11am.
When is happening:

11 July 2024

Who will this affect:

Belfield Campus Users

Contact Estate Services

UCD Village, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7000 | E: estates@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)