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Steps for UCD Community

  • Get informed: Familiarise yourself with the military list and the dual use list (links provided in previous section) and ascertain whether your research area falls under any of the listed items. All researchers should do this so that they know how relevant Export Control rules are generally to their area of research.

  • Undergo provided training: All researchers are advised to complete our online training on Export Controls on Brightspace. You can access the module by logging onto Brightspace using your UCD Connect credentials, click on "Explore", search for the module "Export Controls Training".  Academic and administrative staff need to "View as Student" in order to access the course. This training course is divided into four short videos, and will take 37 minutes in total to complete. You do not need to complete the course in one session. At the end of each of the four videos, there is a question asking you to confirm that you have viewed the video. This question will not be visible until you have viewed the video. Once you click "True" for each of these four questions, you will be awarded a certificate of completion of this Export Controls training course.

  • Project Specific Assessment: Researchers must notify UCD Research as early as possible if there are likely to be any Export Control requirements associated with a project. If this is done at proposal stage, that will allow the PI to structure the project so that it is fully compliant with Export Control requirements.  Export Controls can also be addressed at grant acceptance stage but at that point, Export Control compliance could result in delay or modification to the project work plan. Funders also require confirmation of compliance with Export Control rules, so if the issue has not been addressed prior to grant acceptance, the funder may not be in a position to proceed with the funding. Researchers must therefore contact the (opens in a new window)Research Policy Officer as early as possible in the project planning stage. The Research Policy Officer shall provide support in applying for an Export Control licence if required. 

Contact UCD Export Control

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 4015 | E: exportcontrol-at-ucd.ie