FinPOST On the Road Information Sessions
The FinPOST programme team are going on the road over the summer with a series of events designed to provide more information on our Finance Transformation programme and what the work of FinPOST means for you.
We are kicking off the event series with some information sessions in mid-June.
In these sessions, we will provide an update on the programme progress, give you an opportunity to meet the team and get some insights into the work underway. We will also give further information about our new Finance system and when you can expect to see it in action. There will also be plenty of time set aside to answer any questions you may have.
These information sessions are for you if:
- You raise or approve expenses
- You are a budget holder
- You purchase goods and services on behalf of your team
- You are involved in research budgets and spending
We hope to see as many of you as possible at one of our short, one-hour FinPOST On the Road information events.