Watson Project
A holistic frameWork with Anticounterfeit and inTelligence-based technologieS that will assist food chain stakehOlders in rapidly identifying and preveNting the spread of fraudulent practices.
The project aims to develop a set of tools and systems that can detect and prevent fraudulent practices across the food supply chain.
We speak to Dr. Dimitrios Argyropoulos, about this fascinating project. Read the full interview by clicking on the maga(opens in a new window)zine cover.
Watson is a €11 million 3-year project that has been funded by the EU’s research and innovation framework, Horizon Europe to combat fraudulent practices in the food supply chain.
Watson’s interdisciplinary consortium of 44 partners across 19 EU and non-EU countries will develop a holistic traceability framework that will integrate data-driven services, intelligence-based toolsets and risk-estimation approaches, enabling food safety authorities to identify and prevent fraudulent activities.