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Foodbook24 staff profile picture for Eileen Gibney

Dr.Eileen Gibney

Principal Investigator

Foodbook24 Staff Profile Picture for Janette Walton

Dr.Janette Walton

Research Fellow

Foodbook24 Staff Profile for Claire Timon

Dr.Claire Timon

Post Doctoral Research Fellow

Foodbook24 Staff Profile Picture for Katie Evans

Katie Evans

Research Assistant

Staff profile picture for Richard Blain

Richard Blain

Research assisstant

Mr. Richard Blain is a research assistant on the Foodbook24 project. Richard has completed a BSc in Sports Science and Health in DCU and a MSc in Human Nutrition in the University of Sheffield. Richard has had previous work published from his time in both DCU and Sheffield where he utilised wearable cameras to enhance dietary assessment.
Richard’s main interests are sports nutrition and dietary assessment and ways of improving current methods. This is Richard’s first role since graduating from S