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Bertram Broberg Memorial Medal 2010

Dr Manuel Forero Rueda was presented with the inaugural Bertram Broberg Memorial Medal for Best PhD thesis in the UCD College of Engineering, Mathematical & Physical Sciences by Professor Anne Buttimer-Broberg during the 2010 joint meeting of the Irish Mechanics Society and the Irish Society for Scientific & Engineering Computation (ISSEC), on Thursday, 20 May, 2010.  Dr Forero Rueda demonstrated exceptionally strong research talent in the field of head impact biomechanics through his doctoral thesis 'Equestrian Helmet Design: A Computational and Head Impact Biomechanics Approach'.


Dr Forero Rueda accepting his medal from Professor Anne Buttimer-Broberg Bertram_Broberg_Memorial_Medal_1

Professor Adrian Ottewill, Dr Forero Rueda, Professor Anne Buttimer-Broberg and Professor Michael Gilchrist pictured at the medal presentation.