At the forefront of the Institute's goals is the provision of independent analysis to inform economic, social, and environmental policies and the communication of relevant research findings to policy makers and interested citizens.
A team from the Geary Institute and the School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice are Irish national coordinators of the European Social Policy Analysis Network (ESPAN). It provides timely and high-quality independent information to the European Commission on social protection and social inclusion policies. As part of this work the Irish coordinators produce an annual review of social policy developments in Ireland and also three more focused reviews of specific social policy issues each year.
The Institute also publishes a working paper series that provides members with an opportunity to publish early versions of their analyses. This is published on the Institute’s website and also on the RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) Ideas website, which aims to enhance the dissemination of research in economics and related social sciences (www.repec.org).