Researchers: (opens in a new window)Ainhoa González and Peter Connell (UCD Geography), Justin Gleeson (Maynooth University) and Eoghan Mc Carthy (Maynooth University)
The aim of this project is to develop a Local Area Renewable Energy Strategies (LARES) Webtool to map environmental, technical and planning considerations to assist in the determination of areas that may be suitable for renewable energy technologies. The approach is based on the assessment of sectoral constraints and facilitators as recommended in the LARES methodology (SEAI, 2013). The Webtool will be composed of two parts: 1) A Viewer that will centralise spatial datasets covering primary environmental, technical and planning considerations for five renewable energy technology types (i.e. wind, solar, wave and tidal, geothermal and biomass); and 2) a Widget or participative bespoke geoprocessing tool to facilitate examination of the suitability of lands for renewable energy development.