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Drones - Data Processing, Visualization, and Modelling Course

UCD School of Geography runs a short summer course on Drones – Data Processing, Visualisation, and Modelling course over the summer period. 

The cost is €300 (€250 for UCD staff and students - please email (opens in a new window)geography@ucd.ie for more information) for the two days including morning and afternoon tea.

A Certificate of Completion will be provided.


4-5th June - 9.30 - 17.00
12-13th June - 9.30 - 17.00
19-20th June - 9.30 - 17.00
24-25th June - 9.30 - 17.00


At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • use an inexpensive, off-the-shelf drone (with data gathering capabilities)
  • use commonly available software
  • create high-resolution orthophotos and 3-D point cloud data.
  • perform basic GIS and modelling tasks

This workshop will help you decide if this technology is something you should invest in. If you already have a drone, this will help you get the most out of it.     

Who is it for?

Anybody who wants to map landscapes at high-resolution and identify change. The workshop is suitable for those with no or limited experience with drones and Structure from Motion (SfM) methods.

The workshop will include:

Image Acquisition including flight planning, ground control placement, and accuracy/area trade-offs. It will include a field demonstration of drone flights.

SfM workflows including image reporting, setting processing parameters, and the impacts of these settings on point cloud accuracy, editing point clouds, exporting orthophotos and point cloud datasets.

Analysing and processing point cloud data to study geomorphic processes – point cloud filtering, producing bare-earth DTMs, DSMs, DEMs of Difference.

Practical Application of Research data through real-life examples from rural and urban settings to resource inventory, assets management and more.