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MA Geography

MA Geography

The MA Geography is aimed at students who wish to develop a deeper understanding of key geographical ideas and themes including but not limited to historical geography, environment, and human geography while studying in Ireland. During the course you will undertake a cohesive set of core modules covering a broad base of key skills and knowledge sets and you will also have the opportunity to select a number of optional modules that allow you to focus in greater depth on specific subject areas. We encourage students to embrace opportunities to develop their critical thinking skills, undertake independent research in an area of specialist interest such as historical geography or other areas of human geography and environment, and enhance their geospatial skills set. 

More information about the programme can be found here:

Early application is advised, as places may fill up.

Applicants who do not meet the academic requirements but can confirm professional qualifications and/or experience will be considered under additional considerations.

Programme Director: Professor Alun Jones                                            

Email: alun.jones@ucd.ie

Indicative Course Content

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) allow the acquisition, storage, analysis and visualisation of location-based data. This core module will introduce you to ArcGIS, the most widely used GIS software package. It will enable you to understand conceptual, theoretical and practical geographical considerations and, most importantly, gain practical GIS skills for their use and application. These skills will cover spatial data creation, sourcing, management, mapping and geoprocessing.

The module is delivered mainly through hands-on computer lab-based practicals, complemented with lectures covering theory and analytical themes that GIS are designed to handle. The practicals will focus on analysing, visualising and interpreting spatial data to support environmental and socio-economic assessments, using demonstrative examples and problem-solving exercises. A significant part of the learning will be self-directed, allowing you to develop your skills and spatial awareness by designing and delivering a spatial analysis project tailored to individual research and/or interests.

Cities represent one of the greatest challenges and opportunities for humanity. By 2050, 70% of the world's population will be urban and face major challenges including climate change, inequality, quality of life, transport and sustainable economic development. Sustainable development can only be progressed if cities are at the centre of attempts to address these societal and environmental issues.

This fieldcourse explores major urban issues in an international context, focusing on Europe's global city - London. We examine the city in its global context, but also focus on the national and local context. While London is often held up as the 'problem' for other parts of the UK that now need to be 'levelled up', there also exists significant income disparity and inequality within the boundaries of the city itself.

This module builds upon the skills gained in the 'Introduction to ArcGIS' module and will further develop your theoretical and practical knowledge of GIS while enhancing your spatial thinking capabilities. The module further explores geoprocessing methods and tools, cartographic enhancement and online data visualisation and sharing. It will apply the suite of ArcGIS Desktop packages and contemporary ArcGIS interfaces such as ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online.

It will cover advanced principles of data acquisition, management and analysis when working with GIS, including advanced editing, geoprocessing and thematic mapping techniques, and 3D visualisation. The module will also cover automating ArcGIS workflows, using the application ModelBuilder and creating online WebApps and Story Maps. You will be introduced to ongoing technological advancements and capacitate them for lifelong self-directed learning in GIS.

This module provides an introduction to, and overview of, the design of more people-focused liveable cities. "Play" will be considered as a catalyst for design that can lead to a more equitable inter-generational city. Throughout there will be a focus on grassroots collaboration, which will develop the students' understanding of the growing importance of giving communities a voice in the decision-making process and how both formal and informal processes can shape the public realm. There will be a strong emphasis on strengthening the students' capacity and confidence in understanding the importance of, and skill in, co-creative processes, collaboration and consultation. Consideration will be given to the role of all players in the creative and implementation processes: funders, local authorities, not-for-profit groups, professionals, facilitators and participants, and the use of social media as a tool for getting things done.

Remote Sensing is a core focus of modern GIS applications in research and professional / business contexts. This course aims to provide adequate knowledge of the concepts, principles and utility of Remote Sensing technology and to prepare you to apply it to your research interests. It will also provide a sound understanding of remotely sensed digital image processing principles and applications. The specification and use of digital imagery for investigating Earth resources and environmental applications will be discussed. Digital image processing of aerial/space-borne sensors, including radiometric and geometric correction, image enhancement and interpretation, mosaicking, segmentation, and classification techniques and their integration with GIS, will be covered.

Mei Han image
The MA Geography has been a great benefit to me. I have learned very strong analytical skills in Geography through broad optional modules
Mei Han, International MA Geography Student

Any queries?

Our team and programme directors are always happy to hear from prospective applicants. Click the link below and fill out our contact form, and our team will be able to share more about the programme and any of our upcoming events.