Partnership Approvals

New University Partners

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Approval for partnership proposal with a new UCD University partner

If you are hoping to partner with a University that UCD does not have an agreement signed with us (Memorandum of Understanding/ Memorandum of Agreement), the following steps should be followed:

New University Partners: Step-by-Step

    • 1. Define the partnership

      Contact the Global Partnerships team ( . If you are unsure of the type of partnership, complete the Expression of Interest form. A member of the Global Partnerships team will contact you to discuss the partnership, and propose the partnership type and required pathway.


    • 2. Viability check & process advice

      Consultation, review and advice by the Global Partnerships team, including:

      • Confirming whether the partner is an existing or new partner
      • Confirming the forms to use
      • Confirming which units to consult
    • 3. Documents & Due Diligence

    • 3.1 Draft the agreement and legal review

      Agreements must clearly outline the obligations of both UCD and the partner(s), reflecting the type and level of commitment in the partnership. UCD offers a suite of approved templates for international partnerships. Once the partnership type is identified, the Global Partnerships team provides the Proposer with the appropriate template and assists in drafting the agreement. However, the Proposer is responsible for ensuring that the agreement accurately represents the substantive obligations of the partnership. The Global Partnerships team also supports the negotiation process, liaising with the partner(s) and UCD Legal until a final version of the agreement is reached.

    • 3.2. UMT GEG cover sheet

      The UMT GEG Cover Sheet is a standard cover sheet for all submissions to UMT GEG. It should convey clearly and succinctly to the members of UMT GEG the salient information required for them to make a decision on the submission.

      The Proposer is responsible for completing the cover sheet; however, the Global Partnerships team provides a template with guidelines to assist in completing the form.

    • 3.3 Complete Section 1 of the Global Partnerships Proposal Form

      A Global Partnerships Proposal Form (GPPF), signed by the Head of School, Vice Principal for Internationalisation, College Principal, and College Finance Manager, must be completed and submitted to the relevant School and College committees. The information captured in this form assists both parties in clarifying the nature and future potential of the partnership. Additionally, proposers must detail how the proposed partnership aligns with the School and College's Strategic Plans.

      The GPPF is an instrumental part of the due diligence process, helping to manage risks and safeguard students’ interests and UCD’s institutional reputation.

      Section 1 of the GPPF, which includes general information about the partner and partnership, as well as details on the strategic case, finances, and any export control requirements, must be completed by the Proposer.

      Section 2, which addresses the due diligence aspects of the partnership, is completed by the Global Partnerships team.

      Proposers should contact the Global Partnerships team to access the guidance notes, which provide essential information and support for completing the GPPF.
    • 4. Submit all documents for strategic approval to the UMT GEG

      The UMT GEG cover sheet, signed GPPF and the draft agreement should be submitted to the University Global Engagement group for strategic approval (UMT GEG). College Vice-Principals International sponsor all UMT GEG submissions. UMT GEG review partnership proposals and approve those that do not require academic approval. The agreement can then be progressed for signing as appropriate.

      UMT GEG will endorse partnerships requiring academic approval, with UMT responsible for final approvalOnce approval is received, the Global Partnerships Team will send the agreement to the President to request signature (provided that the parties reached the final version of the agreement). The agreement is signed by UCD's delegated signatory, the UCD President.

Reviewing Partnerships

It is recommended that a formal review of partnership agreements take place annually. Support for this activity will be provided by the Global Relations & Partnerships team and conducted in partnership with Colleges.

Contact Global Partnerships

As Ireland’s Global University, UCD seeks to develop and support partnerships with other institutions, governments and research agencies around the world. It does so in support of its Global Engagement Strategy and to underpin the fundamentally collaborative nature of the university’s core missions in teaching and learning, and research and discovery. UCD Global plays a key role in supporting UCD’s global relations and partnerships, working collaboratively with the University’s senior management, Colleges and Schools to develop strategic international relationships and networks for the long term.

The UCD Global partnerships team supports the development of bilateral and multilateral partnerships, securing external funding where possible. For a list of our current university partners, please search our directory here.

Please email if you are interested in exploring a global partnership.

