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Erasmus+ funding success to boost student and staff exchange opportunities

Sarah Woodmartin and friends hiking in New Zealand

UCD has this year, in 2024, achieved its highest ever Erasmus+ funding award to support student and staff exchange opportunities. The funding - which includes awards under two different funding streams - comes to over €2.3 million.

In addition to being awarded over €2 million for intra-European staff and student mobility, UCD was awarded over €340,000 for bespoke exchange projects with partners in countries outside Europe. The funding represents record awards for UCD in both categories and will fund exchanges taking place from 2024 to 2027.  

Shauna Hughes, Director for Global Relations, Partnerships and Mobility said: “The newly secured funding will enable UCD Global to further enhance its Erasmus+ programme by offering additional opportunities for students and staff globally. We’re excited to see projects with new global partners funded, helping to extend our reach internationally in line with UCD’s Global Engagement Strategy and to see many of our existing partnerships receive an energising funding boost. I look forward to seeing the funding translate into real-life international experiences for our students and staff.” 

Intra-European Erasmus+ funding 

Funding awarded to UCD in 2024 for intra-European mobility opportunities (under Erasmus+ Key Action 131) has passed the €2 million mark for the first time. Over 600 UCD students travel each year on Erasmus study and traineeship mobility, with an increasing number of programmes offering these opportunities as an integral part of the student experience.

UCD has over 300 Erasmus+ partnerships, all of which are carefully planned to meet the needs of current and new programmes, and the demands of the participating students and staff. Among the new ones that have been established over the last year, and now on offer to UCD students, are Radboud University Nijmegen (BSc Sustainability), Universidad de Murcia (B Ed) and Lapeenranta University of Technology (BSc Social Sciences).

The funding awarded also provides funding for professional and teaching staff to undertake exchanges. To find out more about staff exchange opportunities, join UCD Global for a focused session on opportunities for technical, academic and administrative staff through the Erasmus+ programme on Thursday 26 September as part of UCD Global Week. 

Erasmus+ funding for mobility outside Europe

The funding award for mobility projects with partners in countries outside Europe falls under the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility funding stream. Funding under this stream is awarded on a competitive basis, with universities submitting proposals to work with partners from outside the traditional Erasmus countries. Projects funded include: 

  • A new collaboration with the University of Kyoto, Japan in the field of food science. This collaboration will provide scholarship opportunities for PhD students from both universities as well as opportunities for staff travel. [UCD project leads: Dr Aifric O’Sullivan and Richard Emery]
  • A new veterinary science collaboration with the University of Namibia. This project will enable veterinary staff and students from UCD to support a newly established veterinary centre at the University of Namibia. [UCD project leads: Dr Seamus Hoey and Dr Benoit Cuq]
  • A new collaboration with Makerere University, Uganda in the field of gender-based violence in emergencies to be led by UCD’s Centre for Humanitarian Action. This project will allow for staff travel for both universities.  [UCD project lead: Dr Sulagna Maitra]
  • A new music and composition collaboration with the Indonesian Institute of the Arts. The project will create PhD student scholarships and opportunities for staff travel. [UCD project lead: Dr Peter Moran]
  • The second phase of a collaboration with Eduardo Mondlane University in Mozambique, focused on participatory approaches and geospatial technologies for climate resilience. This large-scale project will provide student scholarships and opportunities for staff travel. [UCD project lead: Dr Christine Bonnin]
  • The second phase of a collaboration with Meru University of Science and Technology, Kenya in the area of food security. This project will provide scholarship opportunities for PhD students at both universities as well as funding for staff travel.  [UCD project lead: Dr Niamh Harbourne]
  • The second phase of a collaboration with Massey University, New Zealand in the field of sustainable agriculture. This project will provide scholarship opportunities for PhD students from both universities as well as opportunities for staff travel. [UCD project leads: Prof. Tommy Boland and Dr Simona Grasso]

Find out more

Image: UCD students and friends exploring local landscapes during an Erasmus+ ICM exchange at Massey University, New Zealand.


University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8635 | E: vpforglobalengagement@ucd.ie