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Spend a week at the University of Connecticut, USA

UCD staff are invited to apply for an opportunity to undertake a one-week funded exchange at the (opens in a new window)University of Connecticut in the USA. The opportunity will be funded through the Erasmus+ Key Action 171 programme. There are two opportunities available.  The deadline for applications is 25 September 2024. 

What is Erasmus+ Key Action 171

Erasmus+ Key Action 171 (also known as International Credit Mobility) is a strand of the Erasmus+ programme that enables staff and students to undertake exchanges in non-Erasmus programme countries (broadly speaking, countries outside of Europe and in the East of Europe, for example the USA). Under this funding stream, funding is available to support two UCD faculty staff members to spend a week on teaching, training, or a combination of teaching and training activities at the University of Connecticut in the United States of America.

Erasmus+ Key Action 171 Scholarship Rates

The successful applicants will each be awarded a grant which includes:

  • a living support grant of €1,260 to cover five days of activity and two travel days
  • a travel allowance of €820 to cover the cost of return flights

You can compare the approximate cost of living in Dublin and Mansfield on (opens in a new window)Numbeo.com.

Eligibility requirements

  • Permanent or temporary UCD staff member 
  • Employed within the College of Arts and Humanities or College of Social Sciences and Law
  • English language skills at B2 or above
  • Must be in a position to complete the exchange before 31 July 2025

These opportunities are suitable for staff whose teaching or research interests focus on or include ethnicity, colonialism, human rights, globalisation, religion and conflict, languages and cultures or early modern Irish cultural history. The selected staff member would have the opportunity to be based at the Human Rights Institute at the University of UConn. 

Depending on the response to this call for applications, faculty members with other areas of academic interest may be considered.

The selected member of staff will be involved in designing their own programme of activity for the week with input from colleagues at the University of Connecticut and the UCD academic lead for the project, Marc Caball. If undertaking a teaching mobility, they will be required to undertake 8 hours of teaching activity during the week. If undertaking a training mobility, they will undertake a week of training activities.

The mobility must be completed before 31 July 2025. The timing of the mobility will be agreed between the faculty member and the host institution. 

How to apply

Please send a CV and a personal statement to (opens in a new window)erasmusicm@ucd.ie before 5pm on 25 September 2024. The expression of interest email should be a maximum of 500 words and should address the following: 

  • What area of work you would like to focus on while at the host university
  • Previous experience with the selected area of work 
  • How your career would benefit from a teaching or training exchange at the University of Connecticut
  • How UCD would benefit -  for example, how you would share your learning with peers or through your teaching.

In selecting applicants, we will seek input from the host university to ensure that the proposed programme is compatible with areas of expertise at the host institution. 

Further information

  • UCD Global is responsible for managing Erasmus+ KA171 programme. If you have any questions about the application process, please contact us: (opens in a new window)erasmus@ucd.ie.
  • The opportunity above relates to an Erasmus+ KA171 funding award made by the Higher Education Authority (Ireland’s Erasmus+ National Agency) in 2022 for a proposal designed by Associate Professor Marc Caball, UCD School of History, and Professor Brendan Kane of the University of Connecticut.
  • Find out more about the (opens in a new window)University of Connecticut.  


University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8635 | E: vpforglobalengagement@ucd.ie