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AC Executive Committee

The Academic Council Executive Committee (ACEC) sets the agenda for Academic Council to ensure that meaningful and strategic discussion occurs at Academic Council. The ACEC may also carry out functions delegated to it by Academic Council. 

Committee Support: University Secretariat | univsec@ucd.ie

ACEC Meeting Schedule 2024/2025

Submission Deadline  Meeting Date

Thursday 21 November 2024

Thursday 12 December 2024, 2pm

Thursday 20 February 2025

Thursday 13 March 2025, 2pm

Wednesday 7 May 2025

Wednesday 28 May 2025, 2pm

The ACEC shall, subject to review by Academic Council

1. Carry out any delegated functions assigned by Academic Council.

2. Act on behalf of Academic Council in intervals between Academic Council meetings.

3. Following direction from Academic Council, identify appropriate bodies for the development and review of university academic policy, oversee associated drafting processes, and approve minor editorial changes to policy.

Contact the UCD University Secretariat

Tierney Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 (1) 716 1279 (general enquiries) | E: univsec@ucd.ie