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Step 2: Plan

Step 2: Plan

Once the policy proposal has been approved, you may want to outline a more comprehensive policy development plan. Planning is a critical step in policy development. Comprehensive planning helps:

  • Clarify timelines and manage deadlines set by approval bodies.
  • Secure buy-in and early agreement on policy scope.
  • Predict and manage possible risks such as delays due to consultation outcomes.
  • Ensure continuity if key people in policy development change.
  • Plan and time appropriate formal consultation.
  • Support future reviews of the policy by recording your actions and decision points.

  1. Read through the whole online Policy Development Guide to understand the different stages of policy development.
  2. Draft a comprehensive plan in collaboration with all people involved in developing and drafting policy. The Policy Plan Template/Tool (docx) will give you pointers on what to include in your plan.
  3. Your approved Policy Proposal will provide the bare bones for the plan. See also the Checklist for Qualities of a Good Policy (pdf) and the Policy Submission Checklist (pdf) to help you draft a plan.
  4. By the end of the planning you should be clear on:
    • Scope of the development/review
    • Relevant stakeholders to involve in development, drafting and consultation phases
    • Timelines and approval steps
    • Communication and implementation planning
    • Any supporting documents to be developed with the policy. The Policy vs Procedure - Explanatory Note (pdf) may help you decide whether to develop a procedure to support the policy.
  5. Agree plan with all relevant parties such as possible policy working group and any other committee/group you are reporting to on the policy.
  6. Track progress against the plan throughout the process.

Policy Development Plan

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T: +353 (1) 716 1279 (general enquiries) | E: univsec@ucd.ie