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Step 5: Submit for Approval

Step 5: Submit for Approval

Policy approval follows agreed approval steps which must be established at the outset of policy development or review. Sometimes a number of committees must be consulted on a draft policy before final approval.

  1. Make sure appropriate consultation has been completed before submitting the policy for approval.
  2. Submit final draft of the policy for formal approval to the relevant Committee. These include the Governing Authority, Academic Council (and Academic Council Executive Committee) and University Management Team.
  3. The policy must be resubmitted for approval in cases where the Approval Body:
    • Recommends amendments,
    • Requires clarification, or
    • Requires a further review, if they determine that the necessary steps for policy development have not been taken.

  1. Accompany the policy with a report providing the background information needed for an informed decision on the policy. The tools below‌ will help you identify whether you have provided the information expected by the Approval Body. You can use the Policy Report Template - with tips for completing report (docx) provided or another format you prefer.

Final Approved Policy

Contact the UCD University Secretariat

Tierney Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 (1) 716 1279 (general enquiries) | E: univsec@ucd.ie