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Step 8: Monitor and Review

Step 8: Monitor and Review

A review of a policy can happen at any time, as circumstances may require. A review can be initiated, for example, by a legislative change, change in operational environment or new strategic objective. A periodic review is required of all University Policies every 3-5 years. Policies remain in effect even if the review date has passed. Possible outcomes of a policy review:

  • Policy continues to be fit for purpose and no amendments are required
  • Revisions to policy are proposed
  • Consolidate policy with another policy
  • Discontinue policy as it is no longer required
  • Discontinue policy as the issue is managed through other means (such as guidelines or procedures)

  1. Monitor policy compliance, for example, by recording issues arising from implementation, gathering feedback and by monitoring decisions taken under the policy. Use the information collected through monitoring activities during the formal review of the policy.
  2. Normally a policy review requires formal consultation and approval and follows the procedures outlined in the Policy Management Framework and this Policy Development Guide. Some editorial amendments can be implemented outside a formal review. To initiate a policy review you need to submit a Policy Proposal to the relevant Approval Body. For further details see Step 1: Identify Need and Submit Proposal.

  1. Read through the steps in the Policy Development Guide and plan your review as you would any new policy development. A policy review can employ all or some of the same methods as a new policy development, such as establishing a policy review group, consulting stakeholders and researching best practice. Additionally, a policy review should:
    • Review any operational or other issues logged during implementation
    • Consult people who implement policy on an operational level
    • Analyse any available data on policy implementation
  2. Use the Checklist for Policy Review (pdf) for guidance in scoping the review.
  3. Review all procedures, forms and other supporting documents associated with the policy.

Policy Review Plan

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T: +353 (1) 716 1279 (general enquiries) | E: univsec@ucd.ie