Thesis Preparation and Submission
The final examination of a candidate for a Research Master's or PhD degree is based on the explanation of the student’s research in a thesis describing the context, nature, methodology and outcomes of the research, prepared in accordance with international norms.
Thesis preparation
You will prepare your thesis under the direction of the Principal Supervisor and with the support of your Research Studies Panel. For detailed information, refer to the Guidelines for Preparation, Submission, Examination and Dissemination of Research Degree Theses.
Steps to submitting your thesis
- Check you registration and fee status. You must be a fully registered student and not owe any fees at the time your thesis is submitted for examination. If you're unsure of your registration or fee status, contact the Student Desk.
- Use the UCD eThesis System to submit your thesis online, verify authorship and programme compliance and track progress through all stages of the examination process.
- Following the viva voce, upload the revised version of your thesis (if applicable). The Examiner will provide electronic sign-off of this version.
- Following the viva voce and once you have approval of the Internal Examiner, submit a hardbound copy of your final thesis to the Student Desk.
Receiving your research degree
After your hardcopy and e-thesis are submitted, the UCD Academic Council Committee on Examinations (ACCE) will review the recommendation of the Examiners and authorise the award of the degree or otherwise.
The ACCE meets once a month throughout the academic year. Upon submission of your hardcopy and e-thesis, the relevant examination documents are submitted for consideration at the next scheduled ACCE meeting.
If the ACCE decides on the basis of the Examination Committee report to authorise the award of the degree, you will receive, within 10 working days, an official Degree Outcome Letter from the UCD Registrar and Deputy President confirming that your PhD degree has been awarded and with the link to download your official Academic Transcript as a PDF document.
All degrees are conferred at the next available conferring ceremony, following the approval of the degree award by the ACCE. It is not possible to defer a graduation; successful candidates who are unable to attend on the appointed day will have their degrees conferred in absentia and their testimoniums will be posted to them after the conferring ceremony. Please see the conferring schedule for dates.