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UCD Careers Network

Tara Hughes Career and Skills Consultant

Our graduate researchers pursue many different types of careers both within academia and beyond. Recent data (Graduate Outcomes Survey) reveals that nearly 30% of alumni secured postdoc positions within a year of graduating, with an additional 10% working in roles closely related to research within higher education. The reality is that each graduate researcher’s personal development journey and career aspirations are unique and will evolve overtime.

The UCD Strategy recognises the pivotal role graduate researchers play within the University as well as the importance of providing dedicated support and resources to facilitate their career progression. In 2018 UCD established a unique careers service for graduate researchers, appointing a full-time Career & Skills Consultant exclusively for graduate research students. This role is currently held by Ms Tara Hughes.

Two women sitting at a table, having a discussion

UCD Careers Network for Graduate Researchers

The UCD Careers Network service for graduate researchers offers a range of supports for students throughout their research degree. These supports are detailed below. Additionally, one-to-one meetings are also available for two years following the completion of a research degree.  

As a UCD EDI Ambassador, Tara Hughes has designed all her services to be inclusive and accessible for all graduate research students, and she welcomes any requests or feedback to better tailor the support provided.

Sixty-minute, confidential one-to-one sessions can be booked with Tara Hughes (Career and Skills Consultant for Graduate Researchers). They normally take place in the Careers Network offices beside the James Joyce Library or online via Zoom. Tara can also visit specific Schools or buildings on request.

Topics covered often include:

  • formulating a career plan
  • identifying your values and career priorities
  • networking advice
  • planning and organising the job search
  • decision-making along the way and negotiating salary/offers
  • application feedback and advice (CV and cover letters or application forms)
  • mock interviews (Interview360 on MyCareer is very useful for online video interview practice).

Thirty-minute follow-up appointments are also available.

Topics covered normally include:

  • application feedback and advice (CV and cover letters or application forms)
  • review and advice on LinkedIn profile
  • interview preparation.

Book through (opens in a new window)MyCareer or email (opens in a new window)Careers@ucd.ie with any issues or questions.

Throughout the year, UCD Careers Network offers a range of specific career workshops that are open to all graduate researchers. Of course, as students of UCD, you may also attend any of the wider UCD Careers Network workshops that are available to all students.

Our graduate researcher careers workshops are advertised in advance and can be viewed and booked on (opens in a new window)MyCareer. Face-to-face and online workshops are available.

Topics covered include:

  • career planning
  • job search strategy
  • developing your pitch
  • transferable skills identification and articulation
  • crafting a CV/application/cover letter
  • interviewing
  • peer networking.

Workshop resources can be found on Brightspace – students can self-enrol in the open module ‘Career Workshop Series’, found in the Explore tab.

Tara is often invited to individual Schools/research centres and institutes, and can be contacted directly to create a bespoke session. Sessions can be tailored to fit the available time and often include topics such as graduate outcomes, market data and insights, career planning, job search, academic careers and faculty insights, and peer networking. For further information, email Tara at(opens in a new window) tara.hughes@ucd.ie.

Employer engagement takes place through a variety of channels, including:

  • annual Early Career Researcher Company Networking Event (see video) for postdocs and late stage graduate researchers
  • bespoke alumni panels
  • recorded content on MyCareer of previous alumni panels and Fireside Fridays, covering a wide range of sectors and roles
  • updates in our bi-monthly e-bulletin informed by the Careers Network team and the Employer Engagement Manager.

The wider Careers Network team also deliver a wide range of careers events that graduate researchers can attend, including:

  • alumni panels organised by College/School
  • annual recruitment fairs in Belfield and Blackrock
  • ‘Career Essentials’ workshops
  • Employer-led skills workshops
  • mentor programme.

To read more about our employer engagement activities and to read the latest Employer Brochure, please visit UCD Careers Network Employer webpages.

The Graduate Researcher Careers e-bulletin is issued every two weeks by email. This bulletin includes a selection of current vacancies that the team feel may be relevant, a listing of relevant UCD and external training and development events, funding opportunities, any recent labour market information and other useful resources.

If you are a UCD graduate researcher and are not receiving the e-bulletin, please email (opens in a new window)careers@ucd.ie.

You may also wish to subscribe to the (opens in a new window)UCD Careers Network LinkedIn newsletter, which is written for all students but may contain relevant information for graduate researchers.

My Career is an online platform, available 24/7, which covers a wide range of resources, from tools such as CV360 to Graduate Outcome information to eLearning to the UCD Careers Network jobs board.

You will find (opens in a new window)MyCareer on the UCD Connect main page and it can be accessed at any time.

The most popular links for graduate researchers include:

  • jobs board
  • CV360 and Interview360 (we recommend that you check your CV with UCD Careers, your supervisor or someone in your network before submitting)
  • eLearning
  • career assessments (MBTI-style and more)
  • research careers across sectors (by UCD College).

Alumni engagement consists of a range of varied events. Many but not all are recorded and available on (opens in a new window)MyCareer (these can be accessed by selecting the 'Career Options by College' icon).

Events include our annual Employer Networking Event (normally held in May), alumni panel sessions and previously Fireside Fridays. Fireside Fridays are a series of career chats with graduate research alumni, covering career journeys, useful employability skills acquired during graduate research, and tips for current students.

The chats run for 20 minutes and are followed by a Q&A, with guest speakers from a range of sectors.

For information about upcoming events, or to view recordings of previous sessions, visit the dedicated Fireside Fridays webpage. 

Career Action Plan

Designed as a 6-week career development programme, the Career Action Plan for graduate researchers includes six online careers workshops supported by linked resources on MyCareer and Brightspace. Drop in to any session, or attend all six to complete your career action plan!

  • 2nd May, 12.00 - 1.00pm, Career Priorities
  • 9th May, 12.00 - 1.00pm, Career Planning
  • 16th May, 12.00 - 1.00pm, Skills Review
  • 23rd May, 12.00 - 1.00pm, Career Options
  • 30th May, 12.00 - 1.00pm, Applications
  • 6th May, 12.00 - 1.00pm, Interviewing

(opens in a new window)Book on UCD MyCareer

Careers Masterclass

This interactive, in-person, 2-hour careers workshop will help you to articulate the value of your research by honing your ‘research pitch’, identify required transferable skills in job descriptions, demonstrate your matching skills on CVs and communicate these skills in interviews.

  • 1st April, 10.00 - 12.00pm, UCD Village, meeting room 5
  • 1st May 12.00  - 2.00pm, Belfield campus

(opens in a new window)Book on UCD MyCareer

UCD Graduate Studies

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777