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PhD workshops

As a PhD graduate, your skill set will naturally include the advanced research and analytical techniques required to undertake high-level research in your field. You will also be expected to possess a range of transferable skills relevant to the successful completion of your research project and to your broader professional development. 

Workshops assisting you with aspects of your PhD programme such as the Stage Transfer Assessment, Research and Professional Development Planning and the Viva Voce are provided. In addition, workshops on leadership, time management and presentation skills are available.

You can now book a place on workshops available in Trimester 2.

Please note: These workshops are developed with considerable resources specifically for research students. If you register for a workshop and find you cannot attend, please cancel your booking or contact us via the Graduate Studies Connector as soon as possible. 

To help you prepare for the U21 and IUA ThesisIn3 competitions, UCD Graduate Studies is hosting this workshop in April 16th.
The workshop is designed to enhance the presentation skills of PhD students and is open to all,  including those not involved in the competition.

No matter how well you prepare for your presentation, the part that freaks out most researchers is question time.

  • What if there are no questions?
  • What if they ask really tricky questions that I can’t answer?
  • Worse, what if they ask really easy questions that I can’t answer?
  • What do I do if I don’t know the answer?
  • What do I do if I can’t understand the question?

Fortunately, you can prepare for question time. You can predict and get ready for most of the obvious questions. And you can learn strategies to deal with the others. Topics will include:

  • Preparing for questions
  • Inviting questions
  • Dealing with tricky questions
  • What to do if you don’t know
  • Coping with the anxiety
  • Lists of typical questions
  • Asking questions

The UCD Library offers a plethora of supports to help students become accomplished researchers. The Library has developed a bespoke suite of workshops for research students called theResearch Toolkit, covering topics such as:

  • finding and using information
  • your digital identity as a researcher
  • promoting your research
  • publishing with impact
  • data management planning
  • searching for systemic reviews 
  • GIS
  • mapping and timeline tools for visualising your research

Suitable for all stages

UCD has a dedicated Careers Consultant for Graduate Research Students. This position is currently occupied by Tara Hughes ((opens in a new window)tara.hughes@ucd.ie). Tara offers one-on-one consultations and a suite of career-focused workshops across the academic year, which support research students in identifying their career path, their strengths and skill sets as well as tools and tips for enhancing CVs and interview skills. These workshops are advertised on the Career’s Network and Graduate Studies Website. Tara can be contacted directly for one-on-one careers sessions.

Suitable for all stages

(opens in a new window)Book here

23 Things International is a unique global collaboration of research universities (11 in 2022) in the northern and southern hemispheres. This online programme introduces researchers to powerful online research tools for all disciplines, has targeted blogs, podcasts and pods, where research students from around the world can get to know each other by working through the activities. 23 Things opens for registration in February each year.

Suitable for all stages

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UCD Graduate Studies

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777