If you requested registration close to the first lecture in your module, then the quickest way to confirm you are registered is to look at your UView account under 'Current Module Registrations'. You can access UView by logging into SISWEB, Reg, Fees & Assessment (top row nav button), and then selecting UView. Please note the UView will provide a more up-to-date picture of your registration than Brightspace (in this instance).

Taught Modules for Research Students
All graduate research students (Research Master's, PhD, MD, and students on a Professional Doctoral programme) have the opportunity to take taught modules relevant to their area of research or for their professional development in the course of their programme.
Each research programme differs in taught module requirements; for example, all UCD PhD students must take 30 credits of taught modules over the duration of their programme. These taught modules are intended to facilitate research and provide the student with important transferable skills, enhancing their career development.
For information on specific research programme requirements, please refer to the UCD Academic Regulations.
- Your School or programme may recommend or require certain modules; please check with your supervisor.
- Unless your School or programme stipulates specific modules, you may choose from the full range of modules available throughout the University in consultation and agreement with your Principal Supervisor and your Research Studies Panel (RSP).
Registration Procedure for 2024/25 Trimester 2 Modules
Update: Online module registration is currently closed.
- While students do not need a signature/authorisation from their Principal Supervisor to register to modules, it is imperative that your module selection will have been agreed with your supervisor prior to registration. You will be required to sign off on a declaration that states that you have discussed your choice of module with your Principal Supervisor.
- If you wish to register to a module delivered outside your school, please make sure you have spoken to the relevant module coordinator prior to registration to ensure there is capacity on the course.
- Students must ensure that they have read the prior learning requirements for a module(s) before making a request for registration.
- Please note that, although you may be successfully registered to a module, high demand for a particular module may see a School reassign you to a different time slot or withdraw you from the module (you will be notified if this happens).
- Modules will be delivered either face-to-face, online or blended (face-to-face and online). Check each module descriptor for the mode of delivery.
- Please see the FAQs below for answers to common questions.
- All queries about module registration should be directed to (opens in a new window)student.records@ucd.ie.
Other Policies
Credit for External Learning
Graduate Research students may, with the approval of their supervisor, register to modules outside of UCD for credit. This credit can contribute towards the 30-credit component. This recommendation can be submitted to the Graduate Board using the relevant template within the InfoHub Tasks menu.
External credits will be reflected on a transcript with the College specific module code (EXTLXX101) and the description ‘External Credit’. Please discuss with your supervisor if you wish to explore taking modules outside of UCD.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
In certain circumstances, you may be eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), as UCD recognises formal, informal, and/or experiential learning. RPL may potentially be awarded to gain credit exemptions on a programme. Such requests are subject to the approval of the Graduate Research Board. Please visit the UCD Registry RPL page for further information. Any exceptions are also listed on this webpage. In addition, you may find it useful to consult the Graduate Research Student Handbook.
Frequently asked questions
You must discuss your choice of module with your supervisor before selecting the module online and/or completing the Google Form. Please review the Registration Procedure above.
You will be directed to the groups of modules approved by your School. If you wish to register to a module outside of this list (or outside of your School), you must ensure that you have spoken to the module coordinator prior to registering.
Module Coordinators/Schools may wish to review the registration to the module(s) in case there are any students from outside their School(s).
Changes to your registration may be made if too many students are registered to a particular module or time slot. If this happens, you will be notified.
Every step will be taken to manage capacity; however, the registration of January-start and May-start students can make this more challenging. Schools/Module Coordinators with popular modules are advised to continue to keep a close eye on capacity.
Yes. September-start students can de-register from a module within SISWeb online registration. January-start and May-start students can contact (opens in a new window)student.records@ucd.ie requesting the change. Depending on the complexity of the query, you may be referred to a School.
Any changes to your module registration should only be requested (or made if SISWeb is available to you) after you have consulted with your supervisor.
These are listed above on this webpage in the 'Registration Procedure' section.
Where a prerequisite is set up in the module, this learning will be captured within online registration. Where an individual module has not been specified as a prerequisite, you will be directed to prior learning requirements within the module descriptor (in line with normal practice).
Research Master's students are not required to complete taught modules but can do so (e.g. in anticipation of changing over to a PhD) and should register via Method B if they wish to do so.
If your query is not answered on this webpage, it should be directed to (opens in a new window)student.records@ucd.ie.