College of Engineering and Architecture
All students entering PhD programmes in the UCD College of Engineering and Architecture are required to complete a minimum of 30 credits of taught modules during their programme.
The aim of these taught modules is to enhance the quality of research as well as to provide doctoral candidates with important transferable skills that enhance opportunity for career development. Your School may require or recommend specific modules, but beyond this it is for you, your Principal Supervisor, and Research Studies Panel to decide which modules are most appropriate to your PhD programme. Students may choose from the full range of modules available throughout the University.
Please see your School below for specific modules offered or recommended by your School.
School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy
School of Biosystems and Food Engineering
PhD students in the School of Biosystems and Food Engineering are advised to take the first two modules listed below. Depending on the specific graduate research area, other recommended modules (but not limited to) are listed.
- (opens in a new window)BSEN40460 - Research, Teaching & Career Skills (Biosystems Engineering)
- (opens in a new window)BSEN50010 - Scientific Writing Workshop
- (opens in a new window)BSEN40500 - Hyperspectral Imaging
- (opens in a new window)BSEN40470 - Predictive Modelling and Risk Assessment
- (opens in a new window)BSEN30060 - Quantitative Risk Assessment for Human and Animal Health
- (opens in a new window)BSEN30360 - Life Cycle Assessment
- (opens in a new window)BSEN40440 - Food Refrigeration
- (opens in a new window)BSEN40350 - Energy Systems Integration
- (opens in a new window)BSEN40410 - Food Chain Integrity
- (opens in a new window)BSEN40250 - Global Cold Chain Safety
- BSEN40510 - Precision Livestock Management
- BSEN50030 - Bioeconomy Research Tech 2
- SCI50020 - Research Integrity Online
- BSEN30590 - MATLAB and R for beginners
- BSEN40590 - Unit Ops for Bioprocess Eng
- BSEN30320 - Food Process Engineering
- BSEN40560 - Biorefinery Process & Tech
- BSEN40620 - Biorefinery Process & Tech O/L
School of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering
All School of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering PhD candidates undergo an initial skills audit with their Supervisor. This provides the basis for a planned programme of skills training and development, referred to as the Research and Professional Development Plan (RPDP). The maintenance of the RPDP will be the responsibility of the student, and its content may also be part of the agenda at meetings of the RSP.
The School offers several modules that have been developed for PhD students. Year 1 students should register for CHEN50010 - Seminar Series I (2.5 credits). Students should register for CHEN50050 - Seminar Series II (2.5 credits) in Year 2.
Following discussions with their supervisor, students may register for modules from the taught Master’s in Biopharmaceutical Engineering or Chemical Engineering. Students may register for final year undergraduate modules within the BE/ME programme run by the School or programmes from other Schools in the University.
- CHEN50070 - Industrial Research Internship
- CHEN50080 - Research Seminar Series I (Chemical Engineering)
- (opens in a new window)CHEN50050 - Research Seminar Series II
- (opens in a new window)CHEN40490 - Teaching Assistant in Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering
- (opens in a new window)CHEN40510 - Advanced Characterisation Techniques
- SCI50010 - Online Research Skills
- SCI50020 - Research Integrity Online
- SCI50030 - Academic Writing for Science for Postgraduate students
- STAT40740 - Multivariate Analysis (Online)
School of Civil Engineering
- (opens in a new window)CVEN40070 - Unit Treatment Processes in Water Engineering
- (opens in a new window)CVEN40390 - Innovation Leadership
- (opens in a new window)CVEN40250 - Specialist Studies IB (PhD in Sustainable Development)
- (opens in a new window)CVEN40360 - Specialist Studies 1B (PhD in Sustainable Development)
- (opens in a new window)CVEN40380 - Specialist Studies 3B (PhD in Sustainable Development)
- MEEN40910 - Teaching Assistant (Compulsory for all incoming Civil Engineering PhD students)
- SCI50010 - Online Research Skills
- SCI50020 - Research Integrity Online
- SCI50030 - Academic Writing for Science for Postgraduate students
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- EEEN40710 - Engineering Research Skills and Pedagogy (Compulsory for all incoming PhD students in the School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
- (opens in a new window)EEEN40060 - Digital Communications
- EEEN40130 - Advanced Signal Processing
- EEEN40550 - Power System Dynamics and Control
- EEEN40580 - Optimisation Techniques for Engineers
- EEEN50100 - Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Systems
- SCI50020 - Research Integrity Online
School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40010 - Engineering Thermodynamics III
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40020 - Mechanics of Fluids II
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40030 - Manufacturing Engineering II
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40050 - Computational Continuum Mechanics I
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40060 - Fracture Mechanics
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40080 - Technical Ceramics
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40090 - Energy Systems and Climate Change
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40110 - Advanced Polymer Engineering
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40150 - Computational Continuum Mechanics II
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40160 - Materials Thermodynamics and Kinetics
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40170 - Mechanics of Solids III
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40190 - Mechanics of Fluids III
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40200 - Energy Systems in Buildings II
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40560 - Research Skills and Techniques
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40600 - Medical Device Design
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40620 - Biomechanics
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40630 - Biomaterials
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40670 - Technical Communication
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40800 - Engineering Project Management
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40810 - Design and Innovation I
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40840 - Design and Innovation II
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40900 - Energy Systems and Climate Change
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40910 - Teaching Assistant in MME
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40960 - Research Methodologies
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40970 - Applied Research Methods
- (opens in a new window)MEEN40980 - Text into Praxis
- (opens in a new window)MEEN41070 - Introduction to Manufacturing Simulation and Robotics
- (opens in a new window)MEEN41090 - Eng. Decision Support Systems
- (opens in a new window)MEEN41100 - Operations Management
- (opens in a new window)MEEN41110 - Project Management Cases
- (opens in a new window)MEEN41120 - Systems Analysis and Improvement
- (opens in a new window)MEEN50060 - Research Techniques Space Eng
- (opens in a new window)MEEN50070 - Industrial Research I
- (opens in a new window)MEEN50080 - Industrial Research II
- (opens in a new window)MEEN50090 - Industrial Research III