UCD Teaching & Learning
All students registering to the UCD PhD Degree programme are required to gain 30 credits across a range of modules during the course of their PhD programme. All modules will be selected in consultation and agreement with your Principal Supervisor.
UCD Teaching and Learning provide this 5 ECTS elective module for tutors, demonstrators, teaching assistants and others who support the teaching of accredited modules at UCD. It has been designed specifically for this cohort, to support them in their teaching practice.
Participants undertaking this UCD Level 4 (Masters) module are expected to be able to review educational literature in the field of teaching and learning, reflect on their teaching practice in the classroom, and explore strategies to enhance the student learning experience.
Please note this is an in-service teaching development module. Module participants MUST have a minimum of 12 contact hours tutoring/demonstrating in the academic year in which they undertake this module. As part of the assessment requirement for this module, you must submit a teaching practice journal including a verified record of tutoring/demonstrating hours completed.
UTL40230 Intro to University Teaching & Learning for Tutors, Demonstrators, and TAs