Research student checklist
The top questions for new research students
- Have I done any research on this particular supervisor?
- Have I spoken to the supervisor's other students?
- Why am I interested in this particular proposed research area?
- What am I hoping that this supervisor will contribute to the project?
- Have I considered the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion implications of undertaking this project and if I require any reasonable accommodations which I should discuss with my Supervisor?
- Have I registered for my programme online? / paid appropriate fees?
- Have I discussed my expectations of the Doctorate / Masters by Research with my supervisor?
- Have I agreed a schedule for meetings with my supervisor?
- Am I aware of the role of each of the following in my research?
- Principal Supervisor
- Co-Supervisor
- Research Studies Panel
- Research & Professional Development Plan (RPDP)
- Transfer Assessment
- Skills training and credit requirements for Doctorate
- Research Ethics & GDPR
- Have I identified my training needs?
- Is my Research Studies Panel in place? When is the first meeting??
- Have I discussed with my supervisor how we will work together?
- Planning of meetings
- Responsibilities / Roles
- Monitoring and assessment
- Have I discussed with my supervisor the University requirements for successfully completing a Doctorate?
- Do I know who the Governing Board Representative is for my School?
- Who is the Graduate Adviser for my School/College?
- Have I met peers, colleagues, professional staff in the School?
- Do I know who to approach if I find myself struggling?
- Have I accessed all relevant policies, procedures and guidelines pertaining to graduate research in UCD?