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UCD - Beacon Hospital Collaborative Research Seed Funding Grant 2024

UCD - Beacon Hospital Collaborative Research Seed Funding Grant 2024

We are excited to announce the launch of the UCD-Beacon Hospital Collaborative Research Seed Funding Grant for 2024. University College Dublin (UCD) and Beacon Hospital have established two distinct seed grants of €20,000 each to foster pioneering research collaborations. This funding aims to support innovative research initiatives across high-impact areas such as cardiology, oncology, orthopaedics, physiotherapy, and other emerging fields of interest. By leveraging UCD’s academic excellence and Beacon Hospital’s clinical expertise, this investment will address urgent healthcare challenges and improve patient outcomes through cutting-edge research and development.


UCD Health Affairs, part of the UCD College of Health and Agricultural Sciences (CHAS), fosters collaboration across UCD and provides a formal channel for cooperation with clinical partners. This role includes developing and implementing the strategic vision for healthcare education, research, and innovation across the group, ultimately leading to the successful creation of an Academic Health Science System (AHSS). An integrated AHSS, driven by collaboration among hospitals, the university, and community healthcare organizations, ensures high-quality, evidence-based care, thereby enhancing patient outcomes.

Key Dates:

  • Open: 9am Monday, 1st July 2024
  • Close: 5pm Friday, 30th August 2024

For detailed eligibility criteria, see the application form below.

UCD - Beacon Seed Funding Grant Application Form 2024 (click to download )

For collaboration contact at Beacon Hospital, email Ailish Daly, Director of PSQI at Beacon Hospital at (opens in a new window)Ailish.Daly@beaconhospital.ie

All completed application forms can be submitted to Kasia Gaughan, Project Manager at UCD Health Affairs, via email at (opens in a new window)kasia.gaughan@ucd.ie

UCD Health Affairs

Woodview House, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
T: +353 1 716 3481 | E: health.affairs@ucd.ie