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Ben Cave

Ben Cave


BCA Insight Ltd (Ireland) and Ben Cave Associates Ltd (UK)

Ben Cave is the Director of BCA Insight Ltd and past President of the IAIA. He addresses health in urban planning identifying how public health advice and evidence can be presented so that it informs policy at strategic level and decisions for individual developments. He brings to the project extensive practical experience in HIA and an extensive network of international health stakeholder contacts.

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Prof. Thomas Fischer

Prof. Thomas Fischer


WHO Collaborating Centre for Health in Impact Assessment, University of Liverpool

Professor Thomas Fischer is the Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Health in Impact Assessment, and a professor of geography and planning at University of Liverpool. He brings to the project global expertise in SEA and a keen understanding of the way in which new or challenging topics, such as health or climate change, fit into SEA along with theoretical and procedural challenges that may bring.

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Dr Joanna Purdy

Dr. Joanna Purdy

Public Health Development Officer

Institute of Public Health in Ireland

Dr Joanna Purdy is a Public Health Development Officer at the Institute of Public Health in Ireland. She led the development of the updated Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Guidance and has supported HIA capacity building through training programmes and teaching on academic courses. Joanna’s work also involves the synthesis of evidence to inform policy development as well as the review and evaluation of public health policy.

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Dr Monica O’Mullane

Dr. Monica O’Mullane

Research Fellow

School of Public Health, University College Cork

Dr Monica O’Mullane is a Research Fellow in the School of Public Health, UCC. She is the PI of a Health Research Board funded project, Developing a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Implementation Model: Enhancing Intersectoral Approaches for Tackling Health Inequalities (HIA-IM). She has a research passion for HIA and healthier public policies. She has conducted studies on the institutionalisation and implementation of HIA in Ireland and Slovakia.

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Profile photo of Dr Bianca van Bavel

Dr Bianca van Bavel

Senior Research Scientist

Dr. Bianca van Bavel works at the interface of environment, climate change, and health. Her research focuses on the assessment of climate change policies and measures that benefit health as well as respond to health risks and impacts. Bianca's work is motivated by the synthesis and communication of evidence for decision-making. She is a scientific advisor to the Adaptation and Resilience Working Group of the HSE's Climate Action Strategy. She is also a visiting fellow with the UK Health Security Agency's Centre for Climate and Health Security. She was a contributing author to the feasibility assessment of adaptation options for the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (Working Group II Ch. 18; SPM).

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Profile photo of Birgitte Fischer-Bonde

Birgitte Fischer-Bonde


BCA Insight Ltd (Ireland)

Birgitte Fischer-Bonde is a researcher focusing on integrating public health into environmental assessments. With a background in Emergency and Risk Management and a Master of Science in Public Health, she specializes in health aspects of risk assessments and preparedness planning. Her work involves collaborating with the International Association of Impact Assessment (IAIA) to enhance the consideration of human health in environmental impact assessments. Birgitte brings valuable expertise to the project on including health in Strategic Environmental Assessments.

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Dr Hung Shiu Fung

Dr. Hung Shiu Fung

Post-doctoral Researcher (former)

School of Geography, University College Dublin

Dr Hung Shiu Fung was a Post Doctoral Fellow at University College Dublin who contributed to Work Package 1 (literature review) of the project. He finished his PhD at the University of Liverpool. His main research interest is to examine and explore ways to enhance the effectiveness of impact assessment practices.

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School of Geography

Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
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