Eating Well During Exams
Eating Well During Exams
When studying for exams, healthy eating can be less of a priority. However, it is important to choose the right foods that will sustain your energy and focus. Here are some easy tips to help you succeed in your exam.
3 meals a day
Maintaining energy levels during exams is difficult if you are already sleep deprived, combining this skipping meals makes performing well in exams even more difficult. Keeping a steady supply of glucose (energy) throughout the day, will ensure you do not lose concentration during both your study and exam times. Breakfast can be the easiest meal to neglect for some but below are some ideas to make sure you are not missing out such an important meal.
- Wholegrain cereal with milk and glass of orange juice
- Poached egg on wholemeal toast with a glass of milk
- Wholemeal bread toasted with chopped banana and glass of milk
Stay hydrated
Drink 1.5-2L of fluids each day. Staying optimally hydrated improves focus and concentration. It is best to drink water while studying rather than drinks with added sugar or excess caffeine. Safefood's research has concluded "that one 500ml energy drink can contain up to 14 level teaspoons of sugar or the equivalent of 3 cups of espresso". Their (opens in a new window)energy drinks checker is a useful tool to see what your energy drinks really contain.
Choose nutritious snacks
Fresh fruit, popcorn, fruit scones, dried fruit, yoghurt or nuts are good options that are recommended by the (opens in a new window)INDI (Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute) for exam snacks.
Preparation is key
Having meals ready in the fridge or freezer makes exam season less stressful. It means you can use your energy for studying rather than cooking and that you can still be eat nutritious meals when you need them most.
Source: (opens in a new window)Eating Well for Exam Students