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Nationwide Supports for Students

Youth Mental Health Lab

The Youth Mental Health lab (YMH lab) was established in 2013 to promote research in youth mental health and to translate research findings into having a positive impact on the lives of young people. Email: (opens in a new window)(opens in a new window)ymhlabucd@ucd.ie

(opens in a new window)Niteline is a listening, support and information service run by and for students. Lines are open from 9pm-2:30am, every night of term, call 1800 793 793.

Koru Mindfulness is an evidence-based curriculum specifically designed for teaching mindfulness, meditation, and stress management to college students and other young adults. 

(opens in a new window)Togetherall is a digital mental health support service which is available online, 24/7, and is completely anonymous so you can express yourself freely and openly. Professionally trained Wall Guides monitor the community to ensure the safety and anonymity of all members.

(opens in a new window)Jigsaw is The National Centre for Youth Mental Health (aged 12-25 years) - a non-profit organisation supporting young people's mental health in Ireland.


Student Minds is the UK’s student mental health charity. (opens in a new window)The Student Minds blog is the UK's biggest blog on student wellbeing and mental health.

(opens in a new window)Spunout is Ireland’s youth information website created by young people for young people with sections on mental health, and coping with study and work.

(opens in a new window)Text about it 50808 is a free, anonymous, 24/7 messaging service providing everything from a calming chat to immediate support. 50808 provides a safe space where you are listened to by a trained Volunteer. The Volunteer will ask questions, listen to you and respond with support, with the aim of helping you sort through your feelings until you both feel you are now in a calm, safe place.

The (opens in a new window)Active* Consent programme supports young people and those that are important to them (teachers, parents, college staff and policy makers) in building their knowledge of consent as a key component of positive sexual health and well-being.

The information you provide using this tool is valuable and the data collated will help to inform the University’s activities aimed at raising awareness about UCD’s Dignity and Respect Policy and support the elimination of bullying, harassment and sexual harassment. 

(opens in a new window)Mental Health Ireland aims to promote positive mental health and to actively support persons with a mental illness, their families and carers by identifying their needs and advocating their rights.

(opens in a new window)Aware undertakes to create a society where people affected by stress, depression, bipolar and mood disorders are understood, supported, free from stigma, and are encouraged to access appropriate therapies.

(opens in a new window)Pieta, provide a range of services nationally to people who are experiencing thoughts of suicide, those who engage in self-harm, and those bereaved by suicide. All of services are provided free of charge, and no referral is needed

(opens in a new window)Samaritans(opens in a new window) is a unique charity dedicated to reducing feelings of isolation and disconnection that can lead to suicide.

(opens in a new window)Health Service Executive (HSE) website which provides a list of mental health support services in Ireland.

(opens in a new window)Stress Control will teach you great skills to fight stress and boost your wellbeing.

(opens in a new window)BeLonG To Youth Services is the national organisation supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI+) young people in Ireland.

Supports include a helpline, support email, support groups and life skills programmes.

Are you concerned about your drug use? For further information, please visit (opens in a new window)Drugs.ie


(opens in a new window)https://adhdireland.ie/adult-adhd-app/

(opens in a new window)UMAAP is a novel and free 6 week programme integrating psychoeducation with ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) to cultivate knowledge of ADHD, self-acceptance and self-compassion, and psychological flexibility in attendees, with the aim of improving their quality of lives. Those taking part in the programme will learn about neurodivergent brains, executive functioning, inattention and impulsivity, self-care and daily living, emotional regulation and self-acceptance. 

Listen (opens in a new window)here to a series of 12 episodes on minding your wellbeing provided by HSE Health and Wellbeing 

(opens in a new window)See Change is Ireland’s organisation dedicated to ending mental health stigma. See Change’s work is informed by people with lived experiences of mental health difficulties, who are best placed to give insight into mental health stigma and discrimination.


Healthy UCD

University College Dublin Belfield Dublin 4 Ireland
E: healthyucd@ucd.ie |