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Student Supports on Campus

UCD Peer Mentors

All UCD students are assigned a peer mentor when they begin their studies in UCD. Peer mentors are UCD students in their second year of study or higher whose role is to support new students with the transition to university.

>     UCD Peer Mentoring

UCD Student Advisers

The Student Advisers provide support for all students throughout their university experience. Each programme has a dedicated Student Adviser who is your gateway to support services. Additionally, there are Student Advisers attached to specific groups of students, such as mature or international students. Click here for more information:

>    UCD Student Advisers


SilverCloud is a flexible, effective and easy to use online mental health support system that all UCD students have access to. SilverCloud grants students secure and immediate access to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). It supports people experiencing stress, anxiety and/or depression to learn the skills to manage and cope with what they are experiencing and bring balance into their life.

There are 7-8 modules that can be completed at a person’s own pace and in their own time. Each module will set different goal and provide information and support which can be used in everyday life.

Sign up to Silvercloud on the UCD mobile app or (opens in a new window)here

UCD Students' Union Welfare Officer

Ciara Donohue is the current UCDSU Welfare Officer. Contact Ciara on welfare@ucdsu.ie for information on accommodation, grants, mental health and welfare-related issues. 

>    (opens in a new window)UCD Students' Union

UCD Chaplaincy

UCD Chaplaincy creates safe spaces for conversations about life and faith as well as providing support and advice to students in complete confidence. Click here for more information:

>    UCD Chaplaincy

UCD Student Health Service

The Student Health Service provides on-campus medical, psychological and psychiatric care to registered students of the university. The staff of the Student Health Service provides a service within an ethos of respect, courtesy and confidentiality and aim at all times to operate to the highest professional standards. All consultations are treated in strict confidence. No information is give to others without permission. Click here for more information:

>    UCD Student Health Service

UCD Student Counselling Service

The UCD Student Counselling Service is a free and confidential service staffed by professionally qualified psychologists and counsellors. We aim to provide easily accessible support for students when personal issues arise that affect their happiness, well-being, capacity to cope, relationships or learning. This website offers you information on what we do, how to make an appointment and what you can expect if you decide to attend for appointment. It also includes information on different issues that often affect students and various support services in the community. Click here for more information:

>    UCD Student Counselling Service

UCD Mental Health Policy 

The UCD Mental Health Policy is a document contextualising appropriate action and resources for Mental Health Wellbeing at UCD. This is a good resource for those looking to further understand the resources available on campus. 

>  UCD Mental Health Policy (06/2024)

UCD Access and Lifelong Learning 

The Disability Support Team is available for students with a disability (including those with  mental health difficulties) and supports include reasonable accommodations where applicable, the use of assistance technology and support to develop wellbeing skills.

>    UCD Disability Supports

Healthy UCD

University College Dublin Belfield Dublin 4 Ireland
E: healthyucd@ucd.ie |