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Smoking and Vaping

Smoking and Vaping

UCD is a smoke and vape free campus, which means smoking and vaping are not permitted across the campus, this includes outside and entrances of buildings, the campus commuting hubs and carparks and pedestrian routes to and from commuting faciltiies. 

UCD is committed to having campuses where all community members can go about their business in an environment unencumbered by smoke or vapour from tobacco or e-cigarettes. This commitment applies to the built-up areas of the campuses, carparks and pedestrian routes to and from commuting facilities.

The following section contains information to support you to quit smoking. Please see the following links for more information: 

  • Supports for Smoking Cessationthank you for not smoking

UCD Smoke-Free Policy

It is envisaged that the smoke-free campus will be achieved via community engagement and community enforcement. This policy was implemented on a phased basis starting with phase 1 (September 2015) which introduced smoke-free free zones within 10 meters of all entrances to buildings and in proscribed areas. Phase 2 (which commenced in September 2016) prohibited smoking in the core built-up areas of campus and Phase 3 (which commenced in September 2017) extended this to commuting hubs. 

Information on UCD’s smoke-free campus policy is available here as a downloadable pdf.

Healthy UCD

University College Dublin Belfield Dublin 4 Ireland
E: healthyucd@ucd.ie |