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Award Winning Physical Acitvity @ UCD

Award Winning Physical Activity at UCD

Healthy UCD is delighted to announce that we have won the gold award from the Irish Heart Foundations (opens in a new window)Active@Work awards!

This awards programme recognises workplaces that promote physical activity and support and motivate engagement.

Over the last 2 years, Healthy UCD and partners have provided 15 free or heavily subsidised physical activity and movement programmes and events with over 2000 participants. The aim of the programmes are to encourage everyone to take part in physical activity, not just those who are from a sporting or exercise background. The programmes and events are designed for every fitness level and also encourage those who are new to or would like to get back into exercise. Programmes included:

  • Yoga for staff
  • Step Challenges
  • Desk to 5km Challenges
  • Bootcamp Classes
  • UCD Staff Tai Chi Club

Click here for a full list of previous physical activity and movement programmes and here for the new programmes for January 2019! Healthy UCD works closely with partners in the university including UCD Culture and Engagement, the Students Union and UCD Sport and Fitness to implement the programmes. Healthy UCD also works with organisations beyond the university such as Pieta House and Smarter Travel.


Pictured at the (opens in a new window)Active@Work Awards are Tim Collins, CEO of the Irish Heart Foundation; Patricia Fitzpatrick, Chair of the Healthy UCD Steering Committee; Lisa Harold, UCD Health Promotion Coordinator and Brian Mullins, UCD Director of Health Promotion.

Healthy UCD

University College Dublin Belfield Dublin 4 Ireland
E: healthyucd@ucd.ie |