'In every intense and distinctive development of a nation, there dwells the actuality or potentiality of some great gift to the common good of mankind'
Eoin Mac Neill, Chair of early (including medieval) Irish history, UCD, from Phases of Irish History (1919)
Photograph courtesy of UCD Digital Library
Welcome to the School of History in UCD. UCD School of History is Ireland's pre-eminent centre for historical teaching and research. The School has been a core part of the University since its foundation, and today it is home to a large and diverse group of historians, who teach and research the people, events and processes of the past. We are ranked amongst the top 100 history schools in the world (QS, 2020)
Here are the School of History in UCD, you will study Irish, European, and global history, from the early middle ages to the late 20th century. You will examine major historical transformation across a wide range of themes - politics, society, gender, economy, ideas, culture, medicine, environment, religion, sport, and war. You will learn about people - the worlds they lived in, how they made sense of those worlds, and how they sought to adapt to and change them.
Our lecturers are leading international scholars and you will be able to engage with them, their ideas, and their research in lectures, seminars, and one-to-one basis. Our objective is not just to teach you what happened but to encourage you to learn actively, to pose your own questions, and to develop your own answers based on critical evaluations and analysis of evidence.
Assessing information is critical in today's world, from being an informed citizen to embarking on a range of careers. Whatever path you choose to follow, your study of history here at UCD provides you with these key skills.
Here in the School, we are extremely proud of our large cohort of distinguished alumni, who have made significant contributions across very different career paths both in Ireland and internationally.
Feel free to contact us at (opens in a new window)history@ucd.ie / (opens in a new window)gradhistory@ucd.ie at any stage with any query you might have - we would be delighted to answer any of your questions about our degree programmes.