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Hannah Kempel

Hannah KempelHannah Kempel

"Migration, Health, and the Irish in England since c. 1950"

Hannah’s doctoral research research focuses on the mental and physical health of Irish migrants who lived in England after 1950. Central themes of this project include alcohol use and addiction, health inequalities, gender race, and ethnicity. This project is part of DIASPORA (Deciphering Irish Alcohol and Substance Use: Post-war Representations & Accounts), an ERC-funded research project led by Dr. Alice Mauger.

E-mail: hannah.kempel@ucdconnect.ie

PhD Supervisor: (opens in a new window)Dr. Alice Mauger

Academic Achievements:

2022: MA in History of Medicine and Welfare in Society, University College Dublin.

2021: BA in Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan.

Research Interests: Medical History, Social History.

Time Period: 20th-21st Centuries.