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Mairead Barrett

Mairead BarrettMairead Barrett

"Power, Politics and Peace of mind: The study of how German financial integration into the global economy before 1914 shaped debates about German national security"

Mairead Barrett is a doctoral candidate in the UCD School of History. Her research asks how the integration of Germany into global capital markets shaped national security and foreign policy from the late 19th century to the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. Germany's position in global capital markets raised concerns about the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of its financial system. These concerns raised questions surrounding the country’s readiness for war, which in turn led military and civil institutions across the state to consider how to mitigate the effects of war on financial stability. Germany’s deepening global financial integration also offered opportunities for German diplomacy to utilise capital exports as a tool in achieving foreign policy aims.

E-mail: (opens in a new window)mairead.barrett@ucdconnect.ie; (opens in a new window)maireadbarrett0@gmail.com

PhD Supervisor(s): (opens in a new window)Prof. William Mulligan; (opens in a new window)Dr. Jennifer Wellington

Academic Achievements:

2018-2020: MA in European History (UNICA) - University College Dublin, Erasmus semesters in Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany and Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy from March 2019 to January 2020.

2014-2018: BA in International and German - University College Dublin, Erasmus year in Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich for 2016-2017.

2023: Awarded a Research Enhancement Funding award (worth €300) from UCD College of Arts and Humanities towards my PhD project research expenses.

2021: Awarded an Irish Research Council Postgraduate Scholarship (Funding) for PhD project.

2020: Awarded an A grade for dissertation completed as part of MA in European History.

Research Interests: German Economic History, First World War, Diplomatic History

Time Period: 1875 - 1918