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Maria Christina Steel

Maria Christina SteelMaria Christina Steel

"Ireland and Nazism: a Transnational History of Cultural Connections"

Maria's doctoral research is a study of the relationship between Ireland and Germany from the 1920s to 1945 and beyond. It focuses upon intellectual connections that include the ideology of Celtology, networks of influential individuals, and little known organizations such as the German Society for Celtic Studies (DGKS). She completed her BA and MA at Dublin City University where she was supervised by Dr. Marnie Hay. She is interested in transnational history, the cultural history of politics, and intellectual history.

E-mail: maria.steel@ucdconnect.ie

PhD Supervisor: (opens in a new window)Dr. Mark Jones

Academic Achievements:

2022: MA in History, Dublin City University.

2020: BA(Hons) in Humanities - History and Philosophy, Dublin City University.

Research Interests: Transnational History, European History, Irish History.

Time Period: 1925 - 1945.