HR A-Z(opens in a new window)
Page updated 26 February 2025
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Note: From 3 March 2015, as agreed by the UMT, any future policies and documents will use the terms “Faculty” and “Staff”. The term “Faculty” replaces that of “Academic Staff” and “Staff” refers to all other staff i.e. Professional, Technical, and Support Staff. Policies and documents that exist prior to this date will continue to use the terms of “Academic Staff” and “Professional, Technical, and Support Staff”.
A(opens in a new window)
- About HR
- Academic Contract
- Academic Progression
- Academics At Risk Policy
- Academic Structures (Culture & Engagement site)
- Ad Astra Fellows
- Ad Astra Fellow Performance Assessment Process
- Ad-hoc Payments
- Adjunct Appointments
- Adoptive & Surrogacy Leave
- Advertising a Job
- Alternative Dispute Resolution (see Mediation)
- Annual Leave
- Athena SWAN (EDI site)
- Attendance At Work Guidelines During Extreme Weather or Other Extreme Circumstances
- Aurora Leadership Programme
- AVCs - Additional Voluntary Contributions
B(opens in a new window)
- Bank Account Updates
- Bereavement Leave (formerly Compassionate Leave)
- Breastfeeding Policy
- Buddy Programme
- Bullying & Harassment
C(opens in a new window)
- Career Break
- Career Break - Return to Work
- Carer's Leave
- Central Pool Academic Appointments
- Change and Organisation Design
- Change in Personal Details - see Update My Details
- Changing Working Hours
- Christmas Closure Dates
- Christmas Payroll Deadlines page
- Christmas Payroll Deadlines 2024 / 2025 in full (PDF)
- Clubs for employees (Culture & Engagement site)
- Coaching (People Development site)
- Code of Conduct Policy
- Compassionate Leave (now Bereavement Leave)
- Competitive Retention Pathway (Promotions)
- Conference Allowances
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Consultancy and External Work
- Core Meeting Hours
- COVID 19
- Culture & Engagement (Culture & Engagement site)
- Core & Externally Funded Resourcing
- Cycle to Work Scheme
D(opens in a new window)
- Development Framework for FacultyDevelopment Framework for Faculty
- Dignity & Respect in UCD
- Dignity & Respect Ambassadors
- Dignity & Respect Colleagues
- Dignity & Respect Support Service
- Directory of mental health supports
- Disability (EDI website)
- Disability -Reasonable Accommodation (EDI website)
- Disciplinary Statute (Statute 28)
- Discounts for employees (Culture & Engagement site)
- Download posters, flyers and other materials (EDI website)
E(opens in a new window)
- Early Retirement
- Eligibility to apply for roles in UCD
- Emeritus Staff
- Employee Assistance Service (Culture & Engagement site)
- Employee Engagement (Culture & Engagement site)
- Employee File Requests (Routine Access Request)
- Employee Relations (Culture & Engagement site)
- Employee Self Service (ESS)
- Employment Contract Management - Post Doctoral Research Staff (SET)
- Engagement Policies (Culture & Engagement site)
- Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI site)
- Equality Impact Assessment Tool (EDI site)t
- Extern Assessors
- Exit Interview Process (See 'Leaving UCD")
- Extreme weather - Attendance At Work Guidelines During Extreme Weather or Other Extreme Circumstances
F(opens in a new window)
- Faculty Promotions
- Family Related Leave (EDI site)
- Fees Concessions
- Fertility Treatment Policy
- Fertility Treatment Guide For Employees
- Fertility Treatment Guide For Managers
- Flexi-Time
- Force Majeure Leave
- Formal Complaint Procedure
- Forms
G(opens in a new window)
- Garda Vetting
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - HR Privacy Statement
- Getting to your interview in UCD (Work at UCD site)
- Global Crisis Supports
- Green Cards (Work Permits page)
- Grievance (Governance Library)
- (opens in a new window)Guidelines Covering Fixed-Term or Specified Purpose Contracts (UCD Intranet)
H(opens in a new window)
- Hay Evaluation Policy
- Health & Safety at Work (SIRC website)
- Health Insurance
- Health webinars (4men)
- Health webinars (4women)
- Hosting Agreements (Work Permits page)
- Hourly Paid Employees
- Hourly Paid Rates
- HR Partners
- HR Websites
- Hybrid working
I(opens in a new window)
- Inclusive Recruitment Tips (EDI site)
- Income Protection
- (opens in a new window)Instagram - Culture & Engagement
- Interview expenses (Core funded posts)
- Interview scheduler (all support, technical, research posts)
- Interviews - Getting to UCD (Work at UCD site)
- (opens in a new window)Intranet (opens HR Intranet)
J(opens in a new window)
- Job Families
- Jobs (Work at UCD site)
- Job Sizing
- Job Sizing Framework (Intranet)
- Job Opportunities at UCD (Work at UCD site)
- Job Shadowing
- Job Sharing
- Jury Service
K(opens in a new window)
L(opens in a new window)
M(opens in a new window)
- Managing Attendance & Sick Leave
- (opens in a new window)Managing for Success Toolkit (HR Intranet)
- Maternity Leave
- Mediation
- Medical Care Leave
- Menopause
- Menopause Policy
- Mental Health Emergencies - What to do if there is a mental health emergency
- Mental Health & Wellbeing Policy
- Mental Health Supports
- Mental Health & Wellbeing Support Colleagues
- Mentoring (People Development site)
- Moving role within UCD
- (opens in a new window)My Staff Profile - Available under Human Resources Tab in InfoHub
N(opens in a new window)
- (opens in a new window)New employee onboarding information (InfoHub)
- New Starter IT and Email Access
- Newly Appointed Assistant Professor Programme (People Development Site)
- Non-core, non-exchequer revenue generating activities
- Non-Contractual Appointees - IT Systems Access
- Notional Service (Pre 2013 Pension Schemes)
O(opens in a new window)
- (opens in a new window)Onboarding information for new employees (Opens InfoHub)
- Onboarding information for managers
- (opens in a new window)Online Hiring and Employee Changes Forms (UCD InfoHub)
- Online Interviews
- Organisation Change
- Organisational Structure Recording
- Orientation (People Development site)
- Overtime
P(opens in a new window)
- (opens in a new window)P4G explainer video (YouTube)
- Parental Leave
- Parent Buddys (EDI website)
- Parenting (EDI website)
- Parent's Leave
- Paternity Leave
- Pay
- Payroll Office (UCD Bursars Office Website)
- Payroll Deadlines (ESS Online Timesheet Claims)
- Pay Scales (Salary Scales)
- Payslips
- Pensions
- Pensions booklets
- Pensions Declaration Form (Only for New Starters)
- People & Organisation Change
- Performance for Growth (P4G) (People Development Site)
- (opens in a new window)Policies
- PPS Numbers & Tax Certs (Bursar's Office)
- Private Health Insurance
- Probation Periods
- Probation Statute
- Professional Qualifications / Fee Concessions
- Promotions
- Promotion to Senior Technical Officer
- Protected Disclosures (Culture & Engagement site)
- PRSAs - Personal Retirement Savings Accounts
- (opens in a new window)Public Service Agreements (UCD Intranet)
Q(opens in a new window)
R(opens in a new window)
- Race and Ethnic Equality (EDI site)
- Reasonable Accommodation (EDI site)
- Relocating to Dublin
- Remote Interviews
- Remuneration of non-core, non-exchequer revenue generating activities
- Research Careers and Professional Development
- Resignations (see Leaving UCD)
- Resourcing
- Resourcing Consultants
- Resourcing Expenses
- Redundancy - see Statutory Redundancy
- Research Careers and Professional Development (Research Careers website)
- Research Careers Framework
- Research Funded Pathway 6 (Promotions)
- Research Funded Resourcing
- Research Skills & Career Development Framework
- Research and Teaching-Active Retired Faculty
- Resourcing Videos for Managers
- Retirement
- Retirement Celebrations (Culture & Engagement website)
- Retirement Planning (People Development website)
- Return to the workplace webinars
- Routes to Research Fellow – Assessment Criteria and Associated Approval Mechanisms
S(opens in a new window)
- Sabbatical Leave
- Secondments
- Service Level Agreement
- Senior Management Pathway (Promotions)
- Senior Technical Officer (Promotions)
- Sexual Misconduct
- Shorter Working Year Scheme
- Sick Leave
- Sick Leave (Managing sick leave)
- Skilled Resource Pool - Research Careers Framework
- Smoke Free Workplace / Campus
- Special Leave with Pay (COVID-19)
- Special offers for employees (Culture & Engagement site)
- Staff Buddy Programme
- Staff Exchanges (UCD Global website)
- Staff ID Cards (UCD ucard website)
- Statute 28 (Disciplinary Statute)
- Statutory Redundancy
- HR Strategy
- Study & Exam Leave
- Support during a global crisis
- Surrogacy Leave
T(opens in a new window)
- Technical Officer (Senior) (Promotions)s
- Tenure
- Trade Unions
- Training Course Catalogue (People Development site)
- Travel Pass Scheme
- Tutors & Demonstrators
- (opens in a new window)Twitter (Culture & Engagement)
- (opens in a new window)Twitter (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion)
U(opens in a new window)
V(opens in a new window)
- Vacancies at UCD (Work at UCD site)
- Values (Culture & Engagement site)
- Embedding EDI for Visibility (EDI site)
- Visiting Academic appointees
- Volunteering for Employees (Culture & Engagement site)
W(opens in a new window)
- (Work) Employment Permits
- (Weather) Attendance At Work Guidelines During Extreme Weather or Other Extreme Circumstances
- (opens in a new window)Webinar archive (YouTube)
- Wellbeing supports
- Work Shadowing
X(opens in a new window)
Y(opens in a new window)
- (opens in a new window)YouTube channel for UCD HR (Culture & Engagement)
- (opens in a new window)YouTube channel for UCD HR (People & Organisation Development)