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Hay Evaluation Policy

Page updated 07th May 2024

Hay Evaluation is the methodology used to evaluate new and existing roles above the Senior Administrative IV Grade (or equivalent). Hay Evaluation can also be used to assess non-scale or hybrid posts. 

Posts will be evaluated  if they are fully authorised and submitted with support from both local and College / Vice President level management.  New posts may on occasion require an additional layer of authorisation at university level and this process will be communicated as necessary.

Hay Evaluation Policy

The Hay Evaluation Policy applies to the evaluation of all new roles above Senior Administrative Officer IV (SAO4) and the re-evaluation of an existing role at SAO4 or above prior to advertising.

Process Outline

  1. The Head of School/Unit will complete the Hay Evaluation form and submit it along with associated documentation including a job description and organisation chart to the Resourcing Manager. 
  2. HR will then convene a Hay Evaluation Committee to evaluate the role.  The committee contains a minimum of three evaluators who have all been trained in the Hay Evaluation methodology.  
  3. On occasion it may be determined by HR that a role will require external evaluation and any cost associated with this will be borne by the School or Unit.
  4. On completion of the technical evaluation process, the Head of School/Unit will be advised by HR of the outcome.
  5. Non-scale or hybrid roles may be aligned to an appropriate administrative scale following evaluation.

This section contains a summary of a UCD policy, however, in all cases the Policy remains the definitive source of information on the topic.

This section contains a summary of a UCD policy, however, in all cases the Policy remains the definitive source of information on the topic.

Hay Evaluation review takes place on the last Thursday of every month, applications to be submitted to Mr (opens in a new window)Neil Clancy on Friday EOB prior to the review date. The outcome will be distributed via the Resourcing Consultants once a decision is reached.   

UCD Human Resources

Roebuck Offices, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 4900 | E: hrhelpdesk@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)