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HR Partners

Profile photo of Joyce McLoughlin

Joyce McLoughlin

Director - HR Partnering, People and Organisation Development


Lorraine Bailey

HR Partner

HR Partner - UCD College of Engineering & Architecture, VP for Research, Innovation & Impact


Elaine Bourke

HR Partner

HR Partner - College Office, School of Medicine, MBRS, NVRL and Health Affairs

Image of a staff member

Laura Bowes

HR Partner

HR Partner - College of Science


Elizabeth Perrem

HR Partner

HR Partner - Office of the President, Academic Affairs, Vice-President for Strategy and External Engagement, Vice-President for Sustainability, Vice-President for Global Engagement, UCD China Joint Colleges


Sinead Dillon

HR Partner

HR Partner - UCD College of Arts & Humanities, UCD Human Resources, SIRC & Legal, UCD Agile

Image of an employee

Maggie Walshe

HR Partner

HR Partner - UCD College of Social Sciences & Law

Image of an employee

Shane Gorey

HR Partner

HR Partner - College of Business, Bursar / VP Finance, School of Public Health, Physiotherapy, Sports Science

Emer McKenna

Emer McKenna

HR Partner

HR Partner - School of Agriculture and Food Science, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems, School of Veterinary Medicine and the UCD Lyons Farm


Chantelle Guilfoyle

Director – HR Partnering, People Development & Building Organisation Capability

(On Leave)

Fiona McGuinness

Fiona McGuinness

HR Partner

On Leave


Enda Bennett

HR Partner

On Leave

UCD Human Resources

Roebuck Offices, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 4900 | E: hrhelpdesk@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)