Partnering / Advice
UCD HR has specialists who can support you across a variety of areas, from strategic HR to resourcing, development, equality and more. You'll find information aimed at all employees or specifically tailored for managers.

Strategic advice - HR Partners
The role of the HR Partner is similar to that of a local HR Manager. Their primary objective is to support organisational effectiveness by working strategically with management teams and individual staff managers, supporting them in dealing with organisational and individual challenges, and in developing proactive and planned staffing, employee relations and organisational strategies.
Learn more about the HR Partners role in UCD and meet the team.

Development advice - People & Organisation Development team
We provide a wide range of training and development courses which reflect the UCD competency frameworks, enabling employees to engage with programmes which will support development goals identified through the Performance for Growth process. Our team can also work with managers to design bespoke training and development solutions to enhance the overall effectiveness of established teams.
Learn more about what we do and meet the team.

Hiring advice - Resourcing Consultants
Resourcing needs of the University are overseen by four Resourcing Consultants based in Roebuck Offices. Each Resourcing Consultant manages both the Core and Research Funded posts in their portfolios. A summary of the Colleges, Schools, Units, Institutes, etc. serviced by members of each team, including direct contact details and a point of contact for escalation is outlined below.
Learn more about Resourcing at UCD and meet the Resourcing Consultant Team
Managers can also view our video guides for hiring managers.
Engagement advice - Engagement Specialists
Employee Engagement specialists Mark and Paul partner with colleagues from across the university to build and strengthen the UCD community. Our aim is to make UCD a great place to work. Learn more about how we’re doing this and get involved.

Change & Organisation Design
The vision of the Change team is “To change how we change” in UCD through:
- Transforming the way our people experience change, perceived and experienced
- Adopting a holistic approach to change management that places equal value on the people side of change
- Ensuring that the desired impact of change is clear
- Taking systematic approaches and utilising proven change management frameworks
- Building change capability that enables an agile, change ready and responsive culture
- Embracing our UCD Leadership philosophy and our UCD values

The Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Team (EDI)
EDI lead and support initiatives that contribute to the enhancement of the University environment where diversity is celebrated, and all members of the community are treated equally and with respect. It is the responsibility of all members of our University community to create a safe and welcoming environment where everyone can contribute and reach their full potential. Find out more about EDI initiatives and supports on the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion website.
Dignity & Respect Support Service
The UCD Dignity & Respect Support Advisers work proactively with employees and students who disclose issues of bullying, harassment or sexual misconduct, and those who are reported for such issues. The Advisers, who are experienced and trained to support, respond and advise on all reports of a dignity and respect nature, provide staff and students with a supportive, confidential environment in which to discuss the issues and support them to make a decision that is right for them and their situation. Find out more on the Dignity & Respect website.